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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Compare string with pattern

Title: Compare string with pattern If you want to check your string with pattern, which has '?' symbol for changing any symbol, then you may use ComparePattern procedure. First parameter - is a mask, second - is your string and Check variable is result. Result is True, if your string matches with pattern. procedure ComparePattern(St1, St2: string; var Check: Boolean); var Hlp1, Hlp2: string; Pos1: Integer; begin Check:=True; while Length(St1)&gt0 do begin Pos1:=Pos('?', St1); if (Pos1=0) then begin if CompareStr(St1, St2)&lt&gt0 then Check:=False; Delete(St1, 1, Length(St1)); Delete(St2, 1, Length(St2)); end; if (Pos1&gt0) then begin Hlp1:=Copy(St1,1,Pos1-1); Hlp2:=Copy(St2,1,Pos1-1); if CompareStr(Hlp1, Hlp2)&lt&gt0 then Check:=False; Delete(St1,1,Pos1); if Pos1&gtLength(St2) then Check:=False; Delete(St2,1,Pos1); end; if Check=False then Break; end; if CompareStr(St1, St2)&lt&gt0 then Check:=False; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Check: Boolean; begin ComparePattern(Edit1.text, Edit2.Text, Check); if Check=True then Caption:='OK' else Caption:='Not OK'; end;