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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Class Helper for Delphis TStrings Implemented Add(Variant)

Title: Class Helper for Delphi's TStrings: Implemented Add(Variant) Tip submitted by Jens Borrisholt In Delphi, the TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings. Examples include Lines property of a TMemo, Items property of a TListBox or TComboBox, etc. To add strings to the list you use the Add method which accepts a string parameter. When you need to add integer values, boolean values or any other non-string values to the list you need to use some of the RTL's conversion routines (from int to string for example). Wouldn't it be better if you can simply say "Add(2008)" or "Add(True)"? Class Helper for TStrings - Add method to accept Variant types Here's the implementation of the TStringsHelper unit to extend the TStrings class's Add method: unit TStringsHelperU; //class helper for TStrings // interface uses Classes; type TStringsHelper = class helper for TStrings public function Add(const V: Variant): Integer; overload; function Add(const Args: array of Variant): Integer; overload; end; implementation uses Variants; function TStringsHelper.Add(const Args: array of variant): Integer; var tmp: string; cnt: Integer; begin tmp := ''; for cnt := Low(Args) to High(Args) do tmp := tmp + VarToStr(Args[cnt]) ; result := Add(tmp) ; end; function TStringsHelper.Add(const V: Variant): Integer; begin Result := Add([V]) ; end; end. An example of usage: with ListBox1.Items do begin Add('') ; Add(2008) ; Add(true) ; Add(['Only ', 1, true, ' line']) ; end;