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Categories / Delphi / Strings

Bug in StringReplace (Handling Null characters) (fixed)

Title: Bug in StringReplace (Handling Null characters) (fixed) Question: I've noticed a problem when you try to use StringReplace on a string which contains NULL (#0) characters (not null terminated). Answer: There is an undocumented bug in the StringReplace function. It appears that it does not handle strings will NULL (#0) characters in them. Here is a better routine which handles NULL correctly. function customStringReplace(OriginalString, Pattern, Replace: string): string; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Procedure: customStringReplace Date: 07-Feb-2002 Arguments: OriginalString, Pattern, Replace: string Result: string Description: Replaces Pattern with Replace in string OriginalString. Taking into account NULL (#0) characters. I cheated. This is ripped almost directly from Borland's StringReplace Function. The bug creeps in with the ANSIPos function. (Which does not detect #0 characters) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} var SearchStr, Patt, NewStr: string; Offset: Integer; begin Result := ''; SearchStr := OriginalString; Patt := Pattern; NewStr := OriginalString; while SearchStr '' do begin Offset := Pos(Patt, SearchStr); // Was AnsiPos if Offset = 0 then begin Result := Result + NewStr; Break; end; Result := Result + Copy(NewStr, 1, Offset - 1) + Replace; NewStr := Copy(NewStr, Offset + Length(Pattern), MaxInt); SearchStr := Copy(SearchStr, Offset + Length(Patt), MaxInt); end; end;