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A string class (UPDATE 1)

Title: A string class (UPDATE 1) Question: A classs to handle strings Answer: I have done this small string class basing myself on QStrings and FastStrings, thus this class is fast and handles several string functions. BTW in order to compile and use this class you will need FastStrings (you can get a copy at Peter Morris Homepage). Why make a string class? well although this class lacks operator overloading I need it, and thought someone migth benefit of it. UPDATE: Added case sensitive StartsWith and EndsWith FIXED : Bugs in Left, Right, Faster WordCount (copied from QStrings) unit IMLCommon; interface uses SysUtils, Classes; type TCharSet = Set of Char; TString = class private Buffer: AnsiString; FWordSeparators: TCharset; function GetLength: Integer; function GetRefCount: Integer; function GetCharacter(const Index: Integer): Char; function GetWordSeparators: TCharSet; function GetAsPChar: PChar; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetAsWord: Word; function GetWordCount: Integer; procedure SetLength(const Value: Integer); procedure SetCharacter(const Index: Integer; const Value: Char); procedure SetWordSeparators(const Value: TCharSet); procedure SetAsPChar(const Value: PChar); procedure SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); procedure SetAsWord(const Value: Word); protected function FindEx(Const SubString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean = True; const StartPos: Integer = 1; const ForwardSearch: Boolean = True): Integer; function InternalInteger(var Variable: Integer; const HighBound, LowBound: Integer): Boolean; function InternalWord(Const Index: Integer): String; public function Left(Count: Integer): String; function Rigth(Count: Integer): String; function Mid(const AStart, ACount: Integer): String; function Uppercase: String; function LowerCase: String; function IsEmpty: Boolean; function StartsWith(const AString:String; Const CaseSensitive: Boolean = False): Boolean; function EndsWith(const AString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean = False): Boolean; function Find(Const SubString: String; const StartPos: Integer = 1; const CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): Integer; function FindRev(Const SubString: String; const StartPos: Integer = -1; const CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): Integer; function Contains(const SubString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean = True): Boolean; function IsNumber: Boolean; function Append(const Value: String): String; function Prepend(const Value: String): String; function Remove(const Index, Length: Integer): String; procedure Truncate(const NewLength: Integer); procedure Fill(const AChar: Char; NewLength: Integer = -1); procedure Insert(const Index: Integer; const AString: String); property Content: String Read Buffer Write Buffer; property RefCount:Integer read GetRefCount; property Characters[Const Index: Integer]: Char read GetCharacter write SetCharacter; default; property Words[Const Index: Integer]: String read InternalWord; property WordCount: Integer read GetWordCount; property Length: Integer read GetLength write SetLength; property WordSeparators: TCharSet read GetWordSeparators write SetWordSeparators; property AsPChar: PChar read GetAsPChar write SetAsPChar; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; property AsWord: Word read GetAsWord write SetAsWord; end; implementation uses {JclStrings,} FastStrings; { TString } function TString.EndsWith(const AString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean; begin if CaseSensitive then Result := AnsiSameStr(AString, Rigth(System.Length(AString))) else Result := AnsiSameText(AString,Rigth(System.Length(AString))); end; function TString.FindEx(const SubString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean; const StartPos: Integer; const ForwardSearch: Boolean): Integer; begin Result := SmartPos(SubString, Buffer, CaseSensitive, StartPos, ForwardSearch); end; procedure TString.Fill(const AChar: Char; NewLength: Integer); begin if (NewLength 0) then begin if Length 0 then FillChar(Buffer[1], Length, ord(AChar)) else FillChar(Buffer[1], 1, ord(AChar)); end else begin SetLength(NewLength); FillChar(Buffer[1], Length, ord(AChar)); end; end; function TString.Find(const SubString: String; const StartPos: Integer; const CaseSensitive: Boolean): Integer; begin Result := FindEx(SubString, CaseSensitive, StartPos); end; function TString.FindRev(const SubString: String; const StartPos: Integer; const CaseSensitive: Boolean): Integer; var RealStartPos: Integer; begin if StartPos 0 then RealStartPos := Length else RealStartPos := StartPos; Result := FindEx(SubString, CaseSensitive, RealStartPos, False); end; function TString.GetAsPChar: PChar; begin Result := PChar(Buffer); end; function TString.GetCharacter(const Index: Integer): Char; begin if IsEmpty or (Index Length) then Result := #0 else Result := Buffer[Index]; end; function TString.GetLength: Integer; var P: Pointer; begin Result := 0; if Pointer(Buffer) nil then begin P := Pointer(Integer(Pointer(Buffer)) - 4); Result := Integer(P^) and (not $80000000 shr 1); end; end; function TString.IsEmpty: Boolean; begin Result := (Length = 0); end; function TString.Left(Count: Integer): String; begin if Count Length then Result := Buffer else begin System.SetLength(Result, Count); Move(Buffer[1],Result[1],Count); end; end; function TString.LowerCase: String; begin Result := SysUtils.LowerCase( Buffer ); end; function TString.Mid(const AStart, ACount: Integer): String; begin Result := Copy(Buffer, AStart, ACount); end; function TString.Rigth(Count: Integer): String; begin if Count Length then Result := '' else begin System.SetLength(Result, Count); Move(Buffer[Length -(Count-1)],Result[1],Count); end; end; procedure TString.SetAsPChar(const Value: PChar); begin Buffer := Value; end; procedure TString.SetCharacter(const Index: Integer; const Value: Char); begin if not IsEmpty then if (Index and (Value GetCharacter(Index)) then Buffer[Index] := Value; end; procedure TString.SetLength(const Value: Integer); begin System.SetLength( Buffer, Value ); end; function TString.StartsWith(const AString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean; begin if CaseSensitive then Result := AnsiSameStr(AString, Left(System.Length(AString))) else Result := AnsiSameText(AString,Left(System.Length(AString))); end; procedure TString.Truncate(const NewLength: Integer); begin Length := NewLength; end; function TString.Uppercase: String; begin Result := SysUtils.UpperCase( Buffer ); end; function TString.Contains(const SubString: String; const CaseSensitive: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := Find(SubString, 1, CaseSensitive) 0; end; procedure TString.Insert(const Index: Integer; const AString: String); begin System.Insert(AString, Buffer, Index); end; function TString.Append(const Value: String): String; begin Insert(Length, Value); Result := Buffer; end; function TString.Prepend(const Value: String): String; begin Insert(1, Value); Result := Buffer; end; function TString.Remove(const Index, Length: Integer): String; begin Result := Buffer; Delete(Result, Index, Length); end; function TString.IsNumber: Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := True; for i := 1 to Length do if not (GetCharacter(i) in ['0'..'9', '+','-','.']) then begin Result := False; Exit; end; end; function TString.InternalInteger(var Variable: Integer; const HighBound, LowBound: Integer): Boolean; var ErrorCode: Integer; begin Result := False; if IsEmpty or not IsNumber then Exit; Val(Buffer, Variable, ErrorCode); Result := (Errorcode = 0) and ((Variable = LowBound) and (Variable end; function TString.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin InternalInteger(Result, High(Integer), Low(Integer)); end; procedure TString.SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); begin Str(Value, Buffer); end; function TString.GetAsWord: Word; var Tmp: Integer; begin if InternalInteger(Tmp, 0, 65535) then Result := Tmp else Result := 0; end; procedure TString.SetAsWord(const Value: Word); begin Str(Value, Buffer); end; function TString.GetWordSeparators: TCharSet; begin Result := FWordSeparators; end; procedure TString.SetWordSeparators(const Value: TCharSet); begin if FWordSeparators Value then FWordSeparators := Value; end; function TString.InternalWord(const Index: Integer): String; var I,J,N: Integer; L: LongWord; P: PChar; A: Boolean; begin if (Index 0) then Exit; L := Length; P := Pointer(Buffer); A := False; N := 1; for I := 1 to L do begin if not (P^ in WordSeparators) then begin if not A then begin if N = Index then begin N := L+1; Inc(P); for J := I+1 to L do begin if P^ in WordSeparators then begin N := J; Break; end; Inc(P); end; Result := Copy(Buffer,I,N-I); Exit; end; A := True; Inc(N); end; end else if A then A := False; Inc(P); end; Result := ''; end; function TString.GetWordCount: Integer; function CountOfWords(const S: string; const Delimiters: TCharSet): Integer; asm PUSH EBX TEST EAX,EAX JE @@q0 MOV ECX,[EAX-4] MOV EBX,EAX DEC ECX JS @@qz PUSH ESI XOR EAX,EAX JMP @@lp2 @@iw: INC EAX DEC ECX JS @@ex @@lp1: MOVZX ESI,BYTE PTR [EBX+ECX] BT [EDX],ESI JC @@nx DEC ECX JNS @@lp1 @@ex: POP ESI POP EBX RET @@lp2: MOVZX ESI,BYTE PTR [EBX+ECX] BT [EDX],ESI JNC @@iw @@nx: DEC ECX JNS @@lp2 POP ESI POP EBX RET @@qz: XOR EAX,EAX @@q0: POP EBX end; begin if IsEmpty then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := CountOfWords(Buffer, FWordSeparators); end; function TString.GetRefCount: Integer; var P: Pointer; begin Result := 0; if Pointer(Buffer) nil then begin P := Pointer(Integer(Pointer(Buffer)) - 8); Result := Integer(P^); end; end; end.