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Categories / Delphi / String

To generate random password string

Title: To generate random password string Question: How can I generate the random password in own program? Answer: In last holidays I wrote a small dialog for random password generation. It's a simple but results is very useful:)) Try it: function TfrmPWGenerate.btnGenerateClick(Sender: TObject): string; {max length of generated password} const intMAX_PW_LEN = 10; var i: Byte; s: string; begin {if you want to use the 'A..Z' characters} if cbAZ.Checked then s := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' else s := ''; {if you want to use the 'a..z' characters} if cbAZSmall.Checked then s := s + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; {if you want to use the '0..9' characters} if cb09.Checked then s := s + '0123456789'; if s = '' then exit; Result := ''; for i := 0 to intMAX_PW_LEN-1 do Result := Result + s[Random(Length(s)-1)+1]; end; initialization Randomize; The sample results: IBbfA1mVK2 tmuXIuQJV5 oNEY1cF6xB flIUhfdIui mxaK71dJaq B0YTqxdaLh ... I think that it's no bad:)) Of course, you can add the some additional crypt methods and check of unique.