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String Pattern Matching(Third Edition)

Title: String Pattern Matching(Third Edition) Question: String Pattern Matching(Third Edition) Answer: String Pattern Matching(Fourth Edition) The like function take 2 strings and compare them using simple pattern matching. Only '*' and '?' are implemented, range syntaxe '[]' are not implemented. Exemple : like('abcdxabcdxabcdefg', '*abcd?abcdefg*') = true, like('abaababcac', '*abaabcac*') = false , etc... Maybe this is faster than the MathesMask function and the another recursive function which is tranabclengthated from MatchPattern() of common.c in MSDN Samplax\VC98\sdk\sdktools\tlist . The first edition islike() use the KMP arithmetic.The fourth edition like() does not use the KMP arithmetic,but the like() faster than the islike().After have try it many times I found that maybe the like() is the fastest function which is String Pattern Matching I meet. Function like (const abc, ax:string) :boolean;//abc is source string,ax is substring Var axlenth,abclength,abci,axi, cur_star_pos,abci2,axi2:integer; abcchar,axchar:char; Begin//aaa like:= true; axlenth:=length(ax); abclength:=length(abc); abci:=1;//abc index axi:=1;//ax index cur_star_pos:=-1; //current star sign position while ((abci begin //bbb abcchar:=abc[abci]; axchar:=ax[axi]; if ((abcchar='*') or (abcchar='?') or (abccharaxchar)) then begin//ccc if(axchar='*') then begin //xxx cur_star_pos:=axi; axi:=axi+1; end//xxx else begin //xxx if(axchar= '?') then begin abci:=abci+1; inc(axi); end else begin//www if(cur_star_pos=1) then begin //ttt while(axicur_star_pos) do begin //sss axchar:=ax[axi]; if(axchar=abcchar) or (axchar='?') then begin//eeeeeeeeeeee abci2:=abci;axi2:=axi;while(axi2cur_star_pos)do begin if (ax[axi2]=abc[abci2] ) or (ax[axi2]= '?') then begin axi2:=axi2-1;abci2:=abci2-1; end else break; end; if axi2= cur_star_pos then break; end;//eeeeeeeeeeee axi:=axi-1; if(axi=cur_star_pos) then begin inc(abci); end;end;//sss end//ttt else//ttt begin//ttt like:=false; break; end;//ttt end;//www end;//xxx end//ccc else begin inc(abci); inc(axi); end; //ccc end;//bbb if (result=true)and (abciabclength) and(axiif (result=true)and (abciaxlenth) and (ax[axlenth]'*') then result:=false; end;//aaa Author:Li.JunYu,also named Bill.Building.SunShine,a chinese, Email:, ================================================================