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Categories / Delphi / String

Permutations of a string

Title: Permutations of a string Question: The number of possible rearrangements of the letters of a word is huge. This article provides an algorithm for generating all of them. Answer: var // doAbort: boolean; // Time consuming, so may want abort option resultList: TStringlist; // Simple integer factorial handles 12! = 479,001,600 max // Doesn't complain if n negative, just returns 1 function factorial(n: integer): integer; var i, x: integer; begin x := 1; if n 1 then for i := 2 to n do x := x * i; result := x; end; // Number of permutations // = length! / product of ( (count of unique characters)! ) function numberOfPermutations(theWord: string): integer; var char1, char2: string[1]; len, i, j: integer; maxPermutations: integer; // If no characters duplicated prodOfCharCount: integer; // Product of count factorial posCounted: array of boolean; // Mark counted positions countOfChar: array of integer; // Count of unique characters upWord: string; // theWord in all caps begin upWord := upperCase(theWord); // Ignore differences in case len := length(upWord); setLength(posCounted, len); // Allocate memory for array setLength(countOfChar, len); // Allocate memory for array // Initialize the arrays for marking and counting for i := 0 to len-1 do begin posCounted[i] := false; countOfChar[i] := 1; // Product of these must not be zero end; // Go thru the word and count appearances of each letter for i := 0 to len-1 do begin // Get a letter char1 := copy(upWord, i+1, 1); for j := i+1 to len-1 do begin // Check remaining letters char2 := copy(upWord, j+1, 1); if not posCounted[j] then // Skip if previously matched if char1 = char2 then begin // Found match to count inc(countOfChar[i]); // Count the character posCounted[j] := true; // Mark as counted to avoid recount end; end; end; // Replace character counts by factorials of character counts for i := 0 to len-1 do countOfChar[i] := factorial(countOfChar[i]); prodOfCharCount := 1; // Initialize for i := 0 to len-1 do prodOfCharCount := prodOfCharCount*countOfChar[i]; maxPermutations := factorial(len); numberOfPermutations := maxPermutations div prodOfCharCount; end; // Returns str with the last i characters rotated j times // Needed by permute procedure below function subRotate(i, j: integer; str: string): string; var len, rotStrPos, rotChrPos, n: integer; baseStr: string; begin len := length(str); rotStrPos := len - i + 1; // First char to rotate rotChrPos := rotStrPos + j; // New first char after rotation baseStr := copy(str, 1, rotStrPos-1); // No change to this part // Append rotated characters to base string for n := rotChrPos to len do insert(copy(str, n, 1), baseStr, length(baseStr)+1); for n := rotStrPos to rotChrPos-1 do insert(copy(str, n, 1), baseStr, length(baseStr)+1); result := baseStr; end; // Fills global resultList with all permutations of aWord procedure permute(aWord: string); // Algorithm: // Put wordIn into resultList // For i = 2 to length(wordIn) // For each item in the resultList // For j = 1 to i-1 // Add R(i,j, item) to listToAdd // Next j // Next item // Add listToAdd to resultList // Next i // R(i,j,item) returns the item string with the last i characters rotated j times // R(3,2, abcd) = adbc var listToAdd: TStringlist; i, j, k, len: integer; begin resultList.clear; // Clear global var for reuse len := length(aWord); listToAdd := TStringlist.create; listToAdd.duplicates := dupIgnore; listToAdd.sorted := true; resultList.append(aWord); // See Algorithm comments above for i := 2 to len do begin for j := 0 to resultList.count-1 do begin for k := 1 to i-1 do begin listToAdd.append(subRotate(i, k, resultList[j])); { if doAbort then begin // Good place to allow abort resultList.clear;; exit; end; application.processMessages; } end; end; resultList.addStrings(listToAdd); listToAdd.clear; end;; end;