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How to make a Stringlist thread safe (TThreadStringList)

Title: How to make a Stringlist thread safe (TThreadStringList) unit UThreadStringList; interface uses Classes, Windows; type TThreadStringList = class private FStringList: TStringList; FLock: TRTLCriticalSection; function GetDuplicates: TDuplicates; procedure SetDuplicates(dup: TDuplicates); function GetCapacity: Integer; procedure SetCapacity(capa: Integer); function GetCommaText: string; procedure SetCommaText(const S: string); function GetCount: Integer; function GetDelimiter: Char; procedure SetDelimiter(delim: Char); function GetDelimitedText: string; procedure SetDelimitedText(const S: string); function GetNames(Index: Integer): string; function GetValues(const Name: string): string; procedure SetValues(const Name: string; S: string); function GetStrings(Index: Integer): string; procedure SetStrings(Index: Integer; S: string); function GetAsText: string; procedure SetAsText(S: string); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function LockList: TStringList; procedure UnlockList; function Add(const S: string): Integer; procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings); procedure Delete(Index: Integer); procedure Clear; procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); function Find(const S: string; var Index: Integer): Boolean; procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); function IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; function IndexOfName(const Name: string): Integer; procedure Sort; function GetText: PAnsiChar; procedure LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); procedure SaveToFile(const FileName: string); procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); property Duplicates: TDuplicates read GetDuplicates write SetDuplicates; property Capacity: Integer read GetCapacity write SetCapacity; property CommaText: string read GetCommaText write SetCommaText; property Count: Integer read GetCount; property Delimiter: Char read GetDelimiter write SetDelimiter; property DelimitedText: string read GetDelimitedText write SetDelimitedText; property Names[Index: Integer]: string read GetNames; property Values[const Name: string]: string read GetValues write SetValues; property Strings[Index: Integer]: string read GetStrings write SetStrings; default; property Text: string read GetAsText write SetAsText; end; implementation { TThreadStringList } constructor TThreadStringList.Create; begin inherited Create; InitializeCriticalSection(FLock); FStringList := TStringList.Create; FStringList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; end; destructor TThreadStringList.Destroy; begin LockList; try FStringList.Free; inherited Destroy; finally UnlockList; DeleteCriticalSection(FLock); end; end; function TThreadStringList.LockList: TStringList; begin EnterCriticalSection(FLock); Result := FStringList; end; procedure TThreadStringList.UnlockList; begin LeaveCriticalSection(FLock); end; function TThreadStringList.Add(const S: string): Integer; begin Result := -1; LockList; try Result := FStringList.Add(S); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.AddStrings(Strings: TStrings); begin LockList; try FStringList.AddStrings(Strings); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.Delete(Index: Integer); begin LockList; try FStringList.Delete(Index); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.Clear; begin LockList; try FStringList.Clear; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer); begin LockList; try FStringList.Exchange(Index1, Index2); finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.Find(const S: string; var Index: Integer): Boolean; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Find(S, Index); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.Insert(Index, S); finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; begin Result := -1; LockList; try Result := FStringList.IndexOf(S); finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.IndexOfName(const Name: string): Integer; begin Result := -1; LockList; try Result := FStringList.IndexOfName(Name); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.Sort; begin LockList; try FStringList.Sort; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetText: PAnsiChar; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.GetText; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.LoadFromFile(const FileName: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.LoadFromFile(FileName); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin LockList; try FStringList.LoadFromStream(Stream); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SaveToFile(const FileName: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.SaveToFile(FileName); finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); begin LockList; try FStringList.SaveToStream(Stream); finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetDuplicates: TDuplicates; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Duplicates; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetDuplicates(dup: TDuplicates); begin LockList; try FStringList.Duplicates := dup; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetCapacity: Integer; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Capacity; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetCapacity(capa: Integer); begin LockList; try FStringList.Capacity := capa; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetCommaText: string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.CommaText; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetCommaText(const S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.CommaText := S; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetCount: Integer; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Count; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetDelimiter: Char; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Delimiter; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetDelimiter(delim: Char); begin LockList; try FStringList.Delimiter := delim; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetDelimitedText: string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.DelimitedText; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetDelimitedText(const S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.DelimitedText := S; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetNames(Index: Integer): string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Names[Index]; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetValues(const Name: string): string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Values[Name]; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetValues(const Name: string; S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.Values[Name] := S; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetStrings(Index: Integer): string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Strings[Index]; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetStrings(Index: Integer; S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.Strings[Index] := S; finally UnlockList; end; end; function TThreadStringList.GetAsText: string; begin LockList; try Result := FStringList.Text; finally UnlockList; end; end; procedure TThreadStringList.SetAsText(S: string); begin LockList; try FStringList.Text := S; finally UnlockList; end; end; end.