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Categories / Delphi / String

How to Get the reference count of an AnsiString

Title: How to Get the reference count of an AnsiString function GetAnsistringRefcount(const S: string): Cardinal; asm or eax, eax jz @done sub eax, 8 mov eax, dword ptr [eax] @done: end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S1, S2: string; begin memo1.lines.Add(Format('Refcount at start: %d', [GetAnsistringRefcount(S1)])); S1 := StringOfChar('A', 10); memo1.lines.Add(Format('Refcount after assignment: %d', [GetAnsistringRefcount(S1)])); S2 := S1; memo1.lines.Add(Format('Refcount after S2:=S1: %d', [GetAnsistringRefcount(S1)])); S2 := S1 + S2; memo1.lines.Add(Format('Refcount after S2:=S1+S2: %d', [GetAnsistringRefcount(S1)])); end;