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Categories / Delphi / String

How to Explode Implode a String

Title: How to Explode / Implode a String // 1. ............................................... type TStrArray = array of string; function Explode(var a: TStrArray; Border, S: string): Integer; var S2: string; begin Result := 0; S2 := S + Border; repeat SetLength(A, Length(A) + 1); a[Result] := Copy(S2, 0,Pos(Border, S2) - 1); Delete(S2, 1,Length(a[Result] + Border)); Inc(Result); until S2 = ''; end; // How to use it: // Und hier ein Beispiel zur Verwendung: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S: string; A: TStrArray; AnzTokens, i: Integer; begin S := 'Ein=Text=durch=Geleichzeichen=getrennt'; AnzTokens := Explode(A, '=', S); for i := 0 to AnzTokens -1 do Memo1.Lines.Add(A[i]); end; // 2. ............................................... { * These 2 functions are from the programming language PHP, unite certainly well-known. * Now one can use it also in Delphi:) * Diese 2 Funktionen sind aus der Programmiersprache PHP, einigen bestimmt bekannt. * Nun kann man sie auch in Delphi verwenden :) } {...} //* Needed type declaration //* Ben?tigte Typendeklaration type TExplodeArray = array of String; {...} function Implode(const cSeparator: String; const cArray: TExplodeArray): String; var i: Integer; begin Result := ''; for i := 0 to Length(cArray) -1 do begin Result := Result + cSeparator + cArray[i]; end; System.Delete(Result, 1, Length(cSeparator)); end; function Explode(const cSeparator, vString: String): TExplodeArray; var i: Integer; S: String; begin S := vString; SetLength(Result, 0); i := 0; while Pos(cSeparator, S) 0 do begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) +1); Result[i] := Copy(S, 1, Pos(cSeparator, S) -1); Inc(i); S := Copy(S, Pos(cSeparator, S) + Length(cSeparator), Length(S)); end; SetLength(Result, Length(Result) +1); Result[i] := Copy(S, 1, Length(S)); end;