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Categories / Delphi / Procedures

exclude - exclude a value in a set variable system unit

procedure Exclude ( var SetVariable : set of SetValues; OneOfSet : SetValues ) ; Description The Exclude procedure excludes a set value from a set variable. A set variable is one that can contain 0, some, or all values of a set. When you Exclude a set value in a set variable, you are removing from the included values in the variable. Exclude is equivalent to the - operator, as shown here : Exclude(CardHand, JackOfClubs); CardHand := CardHand - [JackOfClubs]; For example, you can remove a playing card from a players hand - where the hand is based on a set of all playing cards in a deck. Use Include to add a value to a set variable. This would, for example, allow a card to be added to a player's hand. Related commands In Used to test if a value is a member of a set Include Include a value in a set variable Set Defines a set of up to 255 distinct values Example code : Creating a variable containing only positive numbers 0 to 10 var evenNumbers : Set of 0..10; i : Integer; begin // Make sure that evenNumbers only contains even numbers evenNumbers := [0..10]; for i := 0 to 10 do if (i mod 2) > 0 then Exclude(evenNumbers, i); // Now display the set contents for i := 0 to 10 do if i in evenNumbers then ShowMessage(IntToStr(i)+' is even'); end; Show full unit code 0 is even 2 is even 4 is even 6 is even 8 is even 10 is even