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Categories / Delphi / Procedures

Decodedate - extracts the year, month, day values from a tdatetime var sysutils unit

procedure DecodeDate ( const SourceDate : TDateTime; out Year, Month, Day : Word ) ; Description The DecodeDate procedure extracts year, month and day values from a given SourceDate TDateTime type value. It stores the values in the output variables : Year, Month and Day. Related commands DecodeDateTime Breaks a TDateTime variable into its date/time parts DecodeTime Break a TDateTime value into individual time values EncodeDate Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values EncodeDateTime Build a TDateTime value from day and time values EncodeTime Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values RecodeDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable RecodeTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable ReplaceDate Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable ReplaceTime Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable Example code : Add a month to a date and then extract the year, month and day values var myDate : TDateTime; myYear, myMonth, myDay : Word; begin // Set up the myDate variable to have a December 2000 value myDate := StrToDate('29/12/2000'); // Now add a month to this value myDate := IncMonth(myDate); // And let us see what we get DecodeDate(myDate, myYear, myMonth, myDay); ShowMessage('myDate now = '+DateToStr(myDate)); ShowMessage('myDay = '+IntToStr(myDay)); ShowMessage('myMonth = '+IntToStr(myMonth)); ShowMessage('myYear = '+IntToStr(myYear)); end; Show full unit code myDate now = 29/01/2001 myDay = 29 myMonth = 1 myYear = 2001