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Categories / Delphi / Procedures

Chdir - change the working drive plus path for a specified drive system unit

procedure ChDir ( const Directory : string ) ; Description The ChDir procedure sets the working drive + path values to the supplied Directory. There are as many working directories as drives on the target machine. If the directory is invalid, you will get an error such as ElnOutError, and the directory will remain unchanged. Related commands CreateDir Create a directory GetCurrentDir Get the current directory (drive plus directory) GetDir Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive MkDir Make a directory RemoveDir Remove a directory RmDir Remove a directory SelectDirectory Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory SetCurrentDir Change the current directory ForceDirectories Create a new path of directories Example code : Getting and setting the directory for the C: drive var directory : string; begin // Get the directory for the C drive GetDir(2, directory); ShowMessage('Default C drive directory = '+directory); // Set the C directory to this value ChDir(directory); GetDir(2, directory); ShowMessage('Default C drive directory = '+directory); // Try to set to an invalid value ChDir('C:Bad/Path/Value'); GetDir(2, directory); ShowMessage('Default C drive directory = '+directory); end; Show full unit code The following output is representative, and will necessarily vary from PC to PC: C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects ElnOutError with error 'Invalid file name'