Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / Printing

Write data to the printer port

Title: write data to the printer port? procedure Out32(portadresse: Word; wert: Byte); var val: Byte; begin val := Byte(wert); asm push dx mov dx,portadresse mov al,val out dx,al pop dx end; end; function Inp32(portadresse: Word): Byte; var val: Byte; begin asm push dx mov dx,portadresse in al,dx mov val,al pop dx end; Inp32 := Byte(val) and $00ff; end; // Example/Beispiel: Out32($378, 0) {= Dataport all 8 Bit Low} Out32($378, (Inp32($378) or 1); {Dataport Bit 1 High} Out32($378, (Inp32($378) and 254); {Datap. Bit 1, Low}