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Simple and direct way without TPrinter class How to get the default printer name

Title: Simple and direct way without TPrinter class: How to get the default printer name? Question: Some times and for some reasons, you want to get the default printer name (local or network printers). How to do that? Answer: In reference to my previous article "Jobs information (an easy way)?". I decided to add another function, which can be used separately or with GetSpoolerJobs in my pervious article. The new function is GetDefaultPrinterName. Function GetDefaultPrinterName : String; var iSize : Integer; sIniFile, sSection, sKeyName : PChar; begin iSize := 256; sIniFile := 'win.ini'; sSection := 'windows'; sKeyName := 'device'; SetLength(Result,iSize); GetPrivateProfileString(sSection,sKeyName,nil,PChar(Result),iSize,sIniFile); Result := Copy(Result, 0, Pos(',',Result)-1); end; Example of use: ............................ var sPrinterName : String; //JOB_INFO_1_ARRAY is declared in my previous article. aJobs : JOB_INFO_1_ARRAY; begin //Get the default printer name. sPrinterName := GetDefaultPrinterName; //Now get all jobs from the spooler using my previous article. aJobs := GetSpoolerJobs(sPrinterName); ............................ As usual, any comments are welcome. Abdulaziz Jasser