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Set TRichEdit Print Margins Programmatically

Title: Set TRichEdit Print Margins Programmatically The TRichEdit Delphi control is a wrapper for a Windows rich text edit control. Rich text edit controls let the user enter (edit, format, print, and save) text that includes font and paragraph formatting. Rich Edit provides a simple Print method allowing you to programmatically print the (formatted) contents of the rich edit to the active printer - with a single line of code. Unfortunately, there's no exposed functionality to set printer margins as you are accustomed to in various word processing applications. Set Rich Edit Printing Margins A custom Delphi procedure SetRichEditMargins demonstrate how to print, set the PageRect property for a TRichEdit with arbitrary margins. The PageRect property specifies the dimensions, in pixels, of the logical page size used when printing the contents of a rich text edit control. The first 4 parameters specify the left, right, top and bottom margin in inches (1 IN = 2.54 cm). The last parameter is the rich edit control. (* Set RichEdit margins in Inches (1 in = 2.54 cm) for the active printer *) procedure SetRichEditMargins( const mLeft, mRight, mTop, mBottom: extended; const re : TRichEdit) ; var ppiX, ppiY : integer; spaceLeft, spaceTop : integer; r : TRect; begin // pixels per inch ppiX := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSX) ; ppiY := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, LOGPIXELSY) ; // non-printable margins spaceLeft := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETX) ; spaceTop := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, PHYSICALOFFSETY) ; //calc margins R.Left := Round(ppiX * mLeft) - spaceLeft; R.Right := Printer.PageWidth - Round(ppiX * mRight) - spaceLeft; R.Top := Round(ppiY * mTop) - spaceTop; R.Bottom := Printer.PageHeight - Round(ppiY * mBottom) - spaceTop; // set margins re.PageRect := r; end; Note: do not mix "printer margins" with the "Margins" property in the VCL. Here's a simple usage example: SetRichEditMargins(1, 1, 0.5, 0.5, richEdit1) ; richEdit1.Print('Printing with margins') ;