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Printing in Delphi without using the TPrinter Unit

Title: Printing in Delphi without using the TPrinter Unit Question: How can I print in Delphi without using the TPrinter Unit? Answer: The following example uses the Windows API function PrintDlg() to allow the user to choose a printer and prints two pages using the returned dc. Example: uses CommDlg; {$IFNDEF WIN32} const MAX_PATH = 144; {$ENDIF} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Pd : TPrintDlg; DocInfo: TDocInfo; begin FillChar(Pd, sizeof(Pd), #0); Pd.lStructSize := sizeof(Pd); Pd.hWndOwner := Form1.Handle; Pd.Flags := PD_RETURNDC; if PrintDlg(pd) then begin FillChar(DocInfo, sizeof(DocInfo), #0); DocInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(DocInfo); GetMem(DocInfo.lpszDocName, 32); GetMem(DocInfo.lpszOutput, MAX_PATH); lStrCpy(DocInfo.lpszDocName, 'My Document'); {Add this line to print to a file } lStrCpy(DocInfo.lpszOutput, 'C:\Download\Test.doc'); StartDoc(Pd.hDc, DocInfo); StartPage(Pd.hDc); TextOut(Pd.hDc, 100, 100, 'Page 1', 6); EndPage(Pd.hDc); StartPage(Pd.hDc); TextOut(Pd.hDc, 100, 100, 'Page 2', 6); EndPage(Pd.hDc); EndDoc(Pd.hDc); FreeMem(DocInfo.lpszDocName, 32); FreeMem(DocInfo.lpszOutput, MAX_PATH); end; end;