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Categories / Delphi / Printing

Printing a TStringGrid

Title: Printing a TStringGrid Question: How do I print the selected rows of a TStringGrid? Answer: Here is a component that I wrote to print out the selected lines (to the printer) of a TStringGrid, its called TPrintGrid. I hope enjoy it, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions - please don't hesitate to ask me. -Bradley Baumann / unit PrintGrid; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Grids, Printers; type TPrintGrid = class(TStringGrid) private FPrintAborted:boolean; protected public procedure PrintGrid; published end; procedure Register; implementation procedure TPrintGrid.PrintGrid; var margins: trect; spacing: integer; cols: tlist; procedure setcolumnwidth; var i, k, w: integer; begin Printer.Canvas.Font.Style := [ fsBold ]; for i := 0 to pred( ColCount ) do Cols.Add(Pointer(Printer.Canvas.TextWidth(cells[i,0]))); := []; for i := 1 to pred(rowcount ) do for k := 0 to pred(colcount ) do begin w:= printer.canvas.textwidth( cells[ k, i ] ); if w integer( cols[ k ] ) then cols[ k ] := pointer( w ); end; w := 2 * printer.canvas.font.pixelsperinch div 3; margins :=rect( w, w, printer.pagewidth-w, printer.pageheight - w ); spacing := printer.canvas.font.pixelsperinch div 10; w := 0; for i := 0 to pred(cols.count) do w := w + integer( cols[ i ] ) + spacing; w := w - spacing; if w (margins.right-margins.left ) then begin w := w - (margins.right-margins.left ); cols[ cols.count-2 ] :=pointer( integer( cols[ cols.count-2 ] ) - w ); end; { if } w:= 0; for i := 0 to pred(cols.count) do w := w + integer( cols[ i ] ) + spacing; margins.right := w - spacing + margins.left; end; { setcolumnwidth } procedure doprint; var i: integer; y: integer; procedure doline(lineno: integer); var x, n: integer; r: trect; th: integer; begin if length(cells[1,lineno]) = 0 then exit; x:= margins.left; with printer.canvas do begin th := textheight( 'y' ); for n := 0 to pred( cols.count ) do begin r := rect( 0, 0, integer(cols[ n ]), th); offsetrect( r, x, y ); textrect( r, x, y, cells[ n, lineno ] ); x := r.right + spacing; end; { for } end; { with } y := y + th; end; { doline } procedure doheader; begin y :=; with printer.canvas do begin := [ fsbold ]; doline( 0 ); pen.width := font.pixelsperinch div 72; pen.color := clblack; moveto( margins.left, y ); lineto( margins.right, y ); inc( y, 2 * pen.width ); := [ ]; end; { with } end; { doheader } begin y:= 0; for i := 1 to pred( rowcount ) do begin application.processmessages; if fprintaborted then exit; if y = 0 then doheader; doline( i ); if y = margins.bottom then begin printer.newpage; y:= 0; end; { if } end; { for } end; { doprint } begin fprintaborted := false; try show; application.processmessages; if printer.printing then {$ifdef win32} printer.abort; {$else} abortdoc( printer.canvas.handle ); {$endif} printer.begindoc; cols:= nil; try cols:= tlist.create; {$ifndef win32} printer.canvas.font.pixelsperinch := getdevicecaps( printer.handle, logpixelsy ); {$endif} printer.canvas.font.assign( font ); printer.canvas.font.color :=clblack; printer.canvas.pen.color := clblack; setcolumnwidth; application.processmessages; doprint; finally; if fprintaborted then {$ifdef win32} printer.abort {$else} abortdoc( printer.canvas.handle ) {$endif} else printer.enddoc; end; finally begin end; end; end; { with } procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('PrintGrid', [TPrintGrid]); end; end.