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How to get a list of a printers capabilities

Title: How to get a list of a printers capabilities uses Printers; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Printer Device Debugging Code to TMemo Componenet // (c) - 1999 / by A. Weidauer // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure GetDeviceSettings(DevCtrl: TMemo); var Sep: string; //----------------------------------------------- procedure MakeInt(S: string; key: Integer); begin S := UpperCase(S); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(UpperCase(Format(' %36S = %d ', [s, GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, Key)]))); end; //----------------------------------------------- function StringToBits(S: string): string; var H: string; i: Integer; //----------------------------------------------- function SubStr(C: Char): string; begin if c = '0' then SubStr := '0000'; if c = '1' then SubStr := '0001'; if c = '2' then SubStr := '0010'; if c = '3' then SubStr := '0011'; if c = '4' then SubStr := '0100'; if c = '5' then SubStr := '0101'; if c = '6' then SubStr := '0110'; if c = '7' then SubStr := '0111'; if c = '8' then SubStr := '1000'; if c = '9' then SubStr := '1001'; if c = 'A' then SubStr := '1010'; if c = 'B' then SubStr := '1011'; if c = 'C' then SubStr := '1100'; if c = 'D' then SubStr := '1101'; if c = 'E' then SubStr := '1110'; if c = 'F' then SubStr := '1111'; end; //----------------------------------------------- begin StringToBits := ''; S := UpperCase(s); H := ''; if Length(S) = 0 then Exit; if Length(S) = 1 then S := '0000' + S; if Length(S) = 2 then S := '000' + S; if Length(S) = 3 then S := '00' + S; if Length(S) = 4 then S := '0' + S; for i := 1 to Length(s) do H := H + ' ' + SubStr(S[i]); StringToBits := H; end; //----------------------------------------------- procedure MakeHex(S: string; key: Cardinal); var h: string; begin S := UpperCase(S); h := Format('%X', [GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, Key)]); if Length(H) = 0 then Exit; if Length(H) = 1 then H := '0000' + H; if Length(H) = 2 then H := '000' + H; if Length(H) = 3 then H := '00' + H; if Length(H) = 4 then H := '0' + H; DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(SEP); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format('%37S = Flags(%S) Key(%S)', [s, h, StringToBits(H)] )); // (( GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle,Key), end; //---------------------------------------------------- procedure MakeFlag(S: string; key, subKey: Cardinal); var i: Cardinal; begin S := UpperCase(S); i := GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, Key); if i and SubKey 0 then DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format(' %34S = Flag(%4S) Key(%6D,%S)', [s, 'ON ', SubKey, StringToBits(Format('%x', [SubKey]))])) else DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format(' %34S = Flag(%4S) Key(%6D,%S)', [s, 'OFF', SubKey, StringToBits(Format('%x', [SubKey]))])) end; //---------------------------------------------------- function TechnoToStr(i: Integer): string; begin TechnoToStr := '#ERROR# is Unknwon'; case i of DT_PLOTTER: TechnoToStr := 'Vector Plotter'; DT_RASDISPLAY: TechnoToStr := 'Raster Display'; DT_RASPRINTER: TechnoToStr := 'Raster Printer'; DT_RASCAMERA: TechnoToStr := 'Raster Camera'; DT_CHARSTREAM: TechnoToStr := 'Character Stream'; DT_METAFILE: TechnoToStr := 'Metafile'; DT_DISPFILE: TechnoToStr := 'Display file'; end; end; //--Main Procedure //---------------------------------------------------------- begin DevCtrl.SetFocus; DevCtrl.Visible := False; if Printer.PrinterIndex 0 then Exit; // Device Organisation try if not (GetMapMode(Printer.Handle) = MM_TEXT) then SetMapMode(Printer.Handle, MM_Text); DevCtrl.Clear; Sep := '______________________________________________________________________________________________'; DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(' PRINTER : ' + Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format('%36S = %D', ['NUMBER Of COPIES', Printer.Copies])); if Printer.Orientation = poLandscape then DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format('%36S = LANDSCAPE', ['ORIENTATION'])); if Printer.Orientation = poPortrait then DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format('%36S = PORTRAIT', ['ORIENTATION'])); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('DRIVERVERSION', DRIVERVERSION); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(Format(' %36S = %S', ['TECHNOLOGY', UpperCase(TechnoToStr(GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle, Technology)))])); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('WIDTH [mm]', HORZSIZE); MakeInt('HEIGHT [mm]', VERTSIZE); MakeInt('WIDTH [pix]', HORZRES); MakeInt('HEIGHT [pix]', VERTRES); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('Physical Width [pix]', PHYSICALWIDTH); MakeInt('Physical Height[pix]', PHYSICALHEIGHT); MakeInt('Physical Offset X [pix]', PHYSICALOFFSETX); MakeInt('Physical Offset Y [pix]', PHYSICALOFFSETY); MakeInt('SCALING FACTOR X', SCALINGFACTORX); MakeInt('SCALING FACTOR Y', SCALINGFACTORY); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('horizontal [DPI]', LOGPIXELSX); MakeInt('vertial [DPI]', LOGPIXELSY); MakeInt('BITS PER PIXEL', BITSPIXEL); MakeInt('COLOR PLANES', PLANES); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('NUMBER OF BRUSHES', NUMBRUSHES); MakeInt('NUMBER OF PENS', NUMPENS); MakeInt('NUMBER OF FONTS', NUMFONTS); MakeInt('NUMBER OF COLORS', NUMCOLORS); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('ASPECT Ratio X [DPI]', ASPECTX); MakeInt('ASPECT Ratio Y [DPI]', ASPECTY); MakeInt('ASPECT Ratio XY [DPI]', ASPECTXY); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeInt('SIZE OF PALETTE', SIZEPALETTE); MakeInt('RESERVED TO SYSTEM PALETTE **', NUMRESERVED); MakeInt('ACTUAL RASTER RESOLUTION **', COLORRES); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(' **...only true if KEY RASTERCAPS(RC_PALETTE)= ON'); MakeFlag('... KEY RASTERCAPS (RC_PALETTE)', RasterCaps, RC_PALETTE); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeHex('Clipping Capablities ', ClipCaps); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('No Support ', ClipCaps, CP_NONE); MakeFlag('Support Rectangles', ClipCaps, CP_RECTANGLE); MakeFlag('Support PolyRegion 32 Bit', ClipCaps, CP_REGION); MakeHex('Raster Printing Flags ', RasterCaps); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('Support Bitmap Transfer', RasterCaps, RC_BITBLT); MakeFlag('Support Banding', RasterCaps, RC_BANDING); MakeFlag('Support Scaling', RasterCaps, RC_SCALING); MakeFlag('Support Bitmaps 64 kByte', RasterCaps, RC_BITMAP64); MakeFlag('Support features of Win 2.0', RasterCaps, RC_GDI20_OUTPUT); MakeFlag('Support Set~/GetDIBITS()', RasterCaps, RC_DI_BITMAP); MakeFlag('Support Palette Devices', RasterCaps, RC_PALETTE); MakeFlag('Support SetDIBitsToDevice()', RasterCaps, RC_DIBTODEV); MakeFlag('Support Floodfill', RasterCaps, RC_FLOODFILL); MakeFlag('Support StretchBlt()', RasterCaps, RC_STRETCHBLT); MakeFlag('Support StretchBID()', RasterCaps, RC_STRETCHDIB); MakeFlag('Support DIBS', RasterCaps, RC_DEVBITS); MakeHex('Curve Printion Flages', CurveCaps); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('No Curve support', CurveCaps, CC_NONE); MakeFlag('Support Circles', CurveCaps, CC_Circles); MakeFlag('Support Pie', CurveCaps, CC_PIE); MakeFlag('Support Arces', CurveCaps, CC_CHORD); MakeFlag('Support Ellipses', CurveCaps, CC_ELLIPSEs); MakeFlag('Support WIDE FRAMES', CurveCaps, CC_WIDE); MakeFlag('Support STYLED FRAMES', CurveCaps, CC_STYLED); MakeFlag('Support WIDE&STYLED FRAMES', CurveCaps, CC_WIDESTYLED); MakeFlag('Support INTERIORS', CurveCaps, CC_INTERIORS); MakeFlag('Support ROUNDRECT', CurveCaps, CC_ROUNDRECT); MakeHex('Line & Polygon Printing Flags', LineCaps); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('No Line Support', LineCaps, LC_NONE); MakeFlag('Support Polylines', LineCaps, LC_PolyLine); MakeFlag('Support Marker', LineCaps, LC_Marker); MakeFlag('Support PolyMarker', LineCaps, LC_PolyMarker); MakeFlag('Support Wide Lines', LineCaps, LC_WIDE); MakeFlag('Support STYLED Lines', LineCaps, LC_STYLED); MakeFlag('Support WIDE&STYLED Lines', LineCaps, LC_WIDESTYLED); MakeFlag('Support Lines Interiors', LineCaps, LC_INTERIORS); MakeHex('Polygon (Areal) Printing Flags', POLYGONALCAPS); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('No Polygon Support', PolygonalCaps, PC_NONE); MakeFlag('Filling Alternate Polygons', PolygonalCaps, PC_POLYGON); MakeFlag('Drawing Rectangles', PolygonalCaps, PC_RECTANGLE); MakeFlag('Filling Winding Polygons', PolygonalCaps, PC_WINDPOLYGON); MakeFlag('Drawing Trapezoid (??Flag)', PolygonalCaps, PC_Trapezoid); MakeFlag('Drawing a ScanLine', PolygonalCaps, PC_SCANLINE); MakeFlag('Drawing Wide Border', PolygonalCaps, PC_WIDE); MakeFlag('Drawing Styled Border', PolygonalCaps, PC_STYLED); MakeFlag('Drawing WIDE&STYLED Border', PolygonalCaps, PC_WIDESTYLED); MakeFlag('Drawing Interiors', PolygonalCaps, PC_INTERIORS); MakeHex('Text Printing Flags', TEXTCAPS); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(sep); DevCtrl.Lines.Add(''); MakeFlag('Support Character Output Precision', TextCaps, TC_OP_CHARACTER); MakeFlag('Support Stroke Output Precision', TextCaps, TC_OP_STROKE); MakeFlag('Support Stroke Clip Precision', TextCaps, TC_CP_STROKE); MakeFlag('Support 90 Character Rotation', TextCaps, TC_CR_90); MakeFlag('Support any Character Rotaion', TextCaps, TC_CR_ANY); MakeFlag('Support Character Scaling in X&Y', TextCaps, TC_SF_X_YINDEP); MakeFlag('Support Character Scaling REAL', TextCaps, TC_SA_DOUBLE); MakeFlag('Support Character Scaling RATIONAL', TextCaps, TC_SA_INTEGER); MakeFlag('Support Character Scaling EXACT', TextCaps, TC_SA_CONTIN); MakeFlag('Support Character Weight REAL', TextCaps, TC_EA_DOUBLE); MakeFlag('Support Character Italic', TextCaps, TC_IA_ABLE); MakeFlag('Support Character Underline', TextCaps, TC_UA_ABLE); MakeFlag('Support Character Strikeout', TextCaps, TC_SO_ABLE); MakeFlag('Support Character as RASTER FONT', TextCaps, TC_RA_ABLE); MakeFlag('Support Character as VECTOR FONT', TextCaps, TC_VA_ABLE); MakeFlag('Reserved Flag ???', TextCaps, TC_Reserved); MakeFlag('DEVICE NOT USE a SCROLLBIT BLOCK ?', TextCaps, TC_SCROLLBLT); DevCtrl.Lines.Insert(0, '..THE RESULTS ARE:'); except // MessageDlg('The Current Printer is not valid ! ', // mtError,[mbok],0); Printer.PrinterIndex := -1; DevCtrl.Lines.Add(' ! The Printer is not valid !'); end; DevCtrl.Visible := True; DevCtrl.SetFocus; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin GetDeviceSettings(Memo1); end;