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Categories / Delphi / Printing

How to determine if a printer is a Dot Matrix or Laser (or InkJet)

Title: How to determine if a printer is a Dot-Matrix or Laser (or InkJet) uses Windows, Printers, WinSpool, Variants; { Using only API calls, determinate which type is the active printer: Dot-Matrix or Laser (or InkJet) This example is distributed "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. You use it at your own risk! } function IsPrinterMatrix: Boolean; var DeviceMode: THandle; Device, Driver, Port: array [0..79] of Char; pDevice, pDriver, pPort: PChar; begin // Determinate that active printer is a Dot-Marix Result:= False; pDevice := @Device; pDriver := @Driver; pPort := @Port; Device := #0; Driver := #0; Port := #0; Printer.GetPrinter(pDevice, pDriver, pPort, DeviceMode); // Printer can be dot-matrix when number of colors is maximum 16 // and when printer is capable to print only for TRUETYPE // fonts as graphics (dot-matrix and PCL printers are capable for that). if (GetDeviceCaps(Printer.Handle,NUMCOLORS)=16) and (DeviceCapabilities(pDevice, pPort,DC_TRUETYPE,nil,nil) = DCTT_BITMAP) then Result := True; end; begin writeln ('Active printer is ', Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex]); if IsPrinterMatrix then writeln('This is a Dot-Matrix printer') else writeln('This is a LaserJet or InkJet printer'); end.