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Categories / Delphi / Printing

Changing the port of a printer

Question: How can I change the port a given printer will use in code? Answer: You can use the SetPrinter method of TPrinter to change the port. The following example demonstrates changing the port to print to a file. Example: uses Printers; {$IFNDEF WIN32} const MAX_PATH = 144; {$ENDIF} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var pDevice : pChar; pDriver : pChar; pPort : pChar; hDMode : THandle; PDMode : PDEVMODE; begin if PrintDialog1.Execute then begin GetMem(pDevice, cchDeviceName); GetMem(pDriver, MAX_PATH); GetMem(pPort, MAX_PATH); Printer.GetPrinter(pDevice, pDriver, pPort, hDMode); Printer.SetPrinter(pDevice, PDriver, 'FILE:', hDMode); FreeMem(pDevice, cchDeviceName); FreeMem(pDriver, MAX_PATH); FreeMem(pPort, MAX_PATH); Printer.BeginDoc; Printer.Canvas.TextOut(100, 100, 'Delphi Is RAD!'); Printer.EndDoc; end; end;