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Type casting and type checking with Interfaces

Title: Type casting and type checking with Interfaces Question: If you are new to interfaces and you are use to type casting and type checking with objects you will find that Interfaces must be dealt with differently. This artical shows you the basics to get started with doing type checking and type casting with Interfaces. Answer: If you are like me, you are impatient and can get the point without a bunch of explaining and you hate reading of bunch of stuff just to get a couple bits of info. So for you guys/girls here is the summary and then if you like you can read the rest of the artical: SUMMARY ===================== First off, your interface must have a GUID, use delphi Shift-Ctrl-G to create one. It should be entered as the first line in your interface definition, ex: ITypeX = interface ['{A002AF60-5684-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowX; end; Object Type Cast Customer:= TCustomer(SomeObject); Interface Way You cannot do it this way with interfaces Object Type Cast (with type checking) Customer:= SomeObject as TCustomer; Interface Way Customer:= SomeInterface as ICustomer; // assuming Customer is declared as ICustomer Object Type Checking if SomeObject is TCustomer then // Do Something Interface Way if SomeInterface.QueryInterface(ICustomer, Customer) = S_OK then begin Customer.DoSomething; end; Read further if you like more explaining ===================== First I will summarize type casting and type checking with objects to get us on the same ground and then show how it is done when using interfaces. Type casting with objects is done in 2 ways Direct without type checking Customer:= TCustomer(SomeObject); Using "built in" type checking Customer:= SomeObject as TCustomer The second will raise an exception if SomeObject is not a TCustomer object or a descendent of one. Type checking with objects can be done as.... if (SomeObject is TCustomer) then // Do something Now for Interfaces, you MUST have a GUID for your interface before you can do any type checking or type casting. To make your interface have a GUID simply insert it as the first line in your interface definition like this: ITypeX = interface ['{A002AF60-5684-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowX; end; First off you may ask where the heck do I get a GUID, in Delphi just put your cursor where you want the GUID and then press Shift-Ctrl-G and Delphi will insert one for you. That easy. These are the interfaces I will use in my explaining: ITypeX = interface ['{A002AF60-5684-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowX; end; ITypeY = interface ['{56DA8BE0-5685-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowY; end; Classes to implement them TTypeX = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeX) public procedure ShowX; end; TTypeY = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeY) public procedure ShowY; end; TTypeXY = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeX, ITypeY) public procedure ShowX; procedure ShowY; end; Type casting. The following code will not work! procedure TForm_Interfaces.TypeCastXtoY; var X: ITypeX; begin X:= TTypeXY.Create; ITypeY(X).ShowY; end; What happens is that the method ShowX gets called rather than ShowY, I do not know the technical reason... but bottom line, it does not work and you should not type cast this way. The proper way to do it is this way: procedure TForm_Interfaces.TypeCastXtoY; var X: ITypeX; begin X:= TTypeXY.Create; (X as ITypeY).ShowY; end; You must use the as operator, also this way of doing it will raise an exception if X in some way does not implement Y. If you need to do type checking then read more... The "is" operator does not work with interfaces, so code like this will not compile if X is ITypeY then // Do Something The proper way to do it is this way: U:= TTypeY.Create; if U.QueryInterface(ITypeX, Ret) = S_OK then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeX') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeX'); if U.QueryInterface(ITypeY, Ret) = S_OK then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeY') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeY') Ret will contain a reference to the interface when the result is S_OK. Note: If you read the Delphi help for QueryInterface you will see this line After successfully obtaining an interface by calling QueryInterface, clients should increase the reference count by calling the IUnknown AddRef method. I wrote code to verify this statement and found that the reference count was incermented and I did not have to call AddRef. Full Source of my Research, you can also download the app from my website using the component link. ====PAS============================== unit Frm_Interfaces; { Discovery Typecasting interfaces You cannot typecast an interface in this manner, seems your method pointers are messed up X:= ITypeX(SomeInterface); // See "TypeCastXtoY" method to see the error, notice the message You must type cast in either of 2 ways 1. X:= SomeInterface as ITypeX // See "TypeCastXtoY" method, this can raise an exception or 2. if SomeInterface.QueryInterface(ITypeX, X) = S_OK then X.ShowX; // See "TypeChecking" method, this does not raise an exception Difference between 1 and 2 is that 1 will raise an exception and 2 will not. *** IMPORTANT *** In order for this to work you MUST include a GUID in your interface, it is the first line in the interface definition, use keyboard Shift-Ctrl-G to create a GUID. } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type ITypeX = interface ['{A002AF60-5684-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowX; end; ITypeY = interface ['{56DA8BE0-5685-11D5-B4F9-525405F6BE8D}'] procedure ShowY; end; TTypeX = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeX) public procedure ShowX; end; TTypeY = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeY) public procedure ShowY; end; TTypeXY = class(TInterfacedObject, ITypeX, ITypeY) public procedure ShowX; procedure ShowY; end; TForm_Interfaces = class(TForm) FbtnTestCreate: TButton; FbtnTypeCastX2Y: TButton; FbtnTypeCastU2Y: TButton; FbtnTypeChecking: TButton; procedure Ev_FbtnTestCreateClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FbtnTypeCastX2YClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FbtnTypeCastU2YClick(Sender: TObject); procedure Ev_FbtnTypeCheckingClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure TestCreate; procedure TypeCastXtoY; procedure TypeCastUnknownToY; procedure TypeChecking; public { Public declarations } end; var Form_Interfaces: TForm_Interfaces; implementation {$R *.DFM} { TTypeX } procedure TTypeX.ShowX; begin ShowMessage('TTypeX.ShowX: Supports "ITypeX" only'); end; { TTypeY } procedure TTypeY.ShowY; begin ShowMessage('TTypeY.ShowY: Supports "ITypeY" only'); end; { TTypeXY } procedure TTypeXY.ShowX; begin ShowMessage('TTypeXY.ShowX: Supports both "ITypeX" and "ITypeY"'); end; procedure TTypeXY.ShowY; begin ShowMessage('TTypeXY.ShowY: Supports both "ITypeX" and "ITypeY"'); end; { TForm1 } procedure TForm_Interfaces.Ev_FbtnTestCreateClick(Sender: TObject); begin TestCreate; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.Ev_FbtnTypeCastX2YClick(Sender: TObject); begin TypeCastXtoY; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.Ev_FbtnTypeCastU2YClick(Sender: TObject); begin TypeCastUnknownToY; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.Ev_FbtnTypeCheckingClick(Sender: TObject); begin TypeChecking; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.TestCreate; var TypeX: ITypeX; TypeY: ITypeY; begin TypeX:= TTypeX.Create; TypeX.ShowX; TypeY:= TTypeY.Create; TypeY.ShowY; // Implements both TypeX:= TTypeXY.Create; TypeX.ShowX; TypeY:= TTypeXY.Create; TypeY.ShowY; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.TypeCastXtoY; var X: ITypeX; begin // Notice the message, this does not work. X:= TTypeXY.Create; ITypeY(X).ShowY; // This does work (X as ITypeY).ShowY; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.TypeCastUnknownToY; var U: IUnknown; Y: ITypeY; begin U:= TTypeXY.Create; Y:= U as ITypeY; Y.ShowY; end; procedure TForm_Interfaces.TypeChecking; var U: IUnknown; Ret: IUnknown; begin // Select whichever you want below //******************************** // U:= TTypeXY.Create; // U:= TTypeX.Create; U:= TTypeY.Create; //******************************** // "Is" does not work with interfaces. { if U is ITypeX then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeX') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeX') if U is ITypeY then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeY') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeY') } if U.QueryInterface(ITypeX, Ret) = S_OK then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeX') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeX'); if U.QueryInterface(ITypeY, Ret) = S_OK then ShowMessage('Supports ITypeY') else ShowMessage('DOES NOT Support ITypeY') end; end. ====DFM============================== object Form_Interfaces: TForm_Interfaces Left = 273 Top = 278 BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'Experimenting with Typecasting interfaces' ClientHeight = 222 ClientWidth = 341 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False Position = poScreenCenter PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object FbtnTestCreate: TButton Left = 118 Top = 39 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'FbtnTestCreate' TabOrder = 0 OnClick = Ev_FbtnTestCreateClick end object FbtnTypeCastX2Y: TButton Left = 118 Top = 79 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'FbtnTypeCastX2Y' TabOrder = 1 OnClick = Ev_FbtnTypeCastX2YClick end object FbtnTypeCastU2Y: TButton Left = 118 Top = 119 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'FbtnTypeCastU2Y' TabOrder = 2 OnClick = Ev_FbtnTypeCastU2YClick end object FbtnTypeChecking: TButton Left = 118 Top = 159 Width = 105 Height = 25 Caption = 'FbtnTypeChecking' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = Ev_FbtnTypeCheckingClick end end