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How to use Interfaces and TInterfaceList

Title: How to use Interfaces and TInterfaceList type IMyInterface = interface procedure AMethod; end; type TMyObject = class(TInterfacedObject, IMyInterface) procedure AMethod; end; {....} var InterfaceList: TInterfaceList; MyInt: IMyInterface; {....} MyInt := TMyObject.Create; InterfaceList.Add(MyInt); {....} MyInt := IMyInterface(InterfaceList[Index]); MyInt.AMethod; {Easy, but there is a catch. The following code will crash: } {... declarations like above ...} InterfaceList.Add(TMyObject.Create); MyInt := IMyInterface(InterfaceList[0]); MyInt.AMethod; // - Access Violation { Why is that? That is because instead of storing the IMyInterface if TMyObject we stored its IUnknown interface in the InterfaceList. Retrieving this resulted in an invalid typecast of a non-IMyInterface interface to IMyInterface. The resulting interface pointer pointed to a IUnknown interface which simply does not have the AMethod method. When we tried to call this method, the code tried to get the corresponding method pointer from the interface's VMT and got some garbage instead. The following, minimally changed code works: } {... declarations like above ...} InterfaceList.Add(IMyInterface(TMyObject.Create)); MyInt := IMyInterface(InterfaceList[0]); MyInt.AMethod; // - Access Violation { That is, because the explicit typecast to IMyInterface before adding the TMyObject object to the list returned the IMyInterface interface of TMyObject rather than the IUnknown interface. But since IMyInterface is a descendant interface of IUnknown, it can still be stored in the InterfaceList. Confused? Yes, so was I. It took me ages to figure out what was wrong with my program that crashed unexpectedly. I hope this will help others to avaoid this problem or at least find the reason why their programs don't behave as they should. }