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How to implement the Choice Pattern

Title: How to implement the Choice Pattern IChoicePattern = interface procedure doPatternSearch; end; { 2. We declare 2 or n classes. A class from an Interface can support/implement multiple interfaces. TInterfacedObject implements the methods of IUnknown, so TInterfacedObject automatically handles reference counting and memory management of interfaced objects. One of the concepts behind the design of interfaces is ensuring the lifetime management of the objects that implement them. The AddRef and Release methods of IUnknown provide a way of implementing this functionality. } TCheckFormatA = class(TInterfacedObject, IChoicePattern) public procedure doPatternSearch; end; TCheckFormatB = class(TInterfacedObject, IChoicePattern) public procedure doPatternSearch; end; // 3. We need a worker-class which calls the runtime Interface-methods: TDirWorker = class procedure CallCheck(myInst: IChoicePattern); end; // 4. Now we implement the Interface Classes and the Worker Class too: procedure TCheckFormatA.doPatternSearch; var ldbPath: string; begin if FileExists(extractFileDir(Application.exeName) + '\' + DBNAME) then ldbPath := extractFileDir(Application.exeName) + '\' + DBNAME; MessageDlg('formatASearch doing', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; procedure TCheckFormatB.doPatternSearch; var ldbPath: string; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then ldbPath := OpenDialog1.FileName; MessageDlg('formatBSearch doing', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; procedure TDirWorker.CallCheck(myInst: IChoicePattern); begin myInst.doPatternSearch; MessageDlg('do_some_Work', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end; { Here we can see, no myInst.Free is needed. Each object from TCheckFormatA or TCheckFormatB is automatically destroyed. Interfaces track the lifetime of an object by incrementing the reference count on the object when an interface reference is passed, and will destroy the object when that reference count is zero. } // 5. at least the client calls the Choice Pattern and // every object is local at runtime: procedure TMainFrm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with(TDirWorker.Create) do begin CallCheck(TCheckFormatA.Create); CallCheck(TCheckFormatB.Create); Free; end; end; // Have fun and choice with OP (Delphi, Kylix and FreePascal)