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Cloning Component Properties

Title: Cloning Component Properties Question: Instead of writing line by line when cloning component properties, we can use this functions to do this in one line of code. With these functions you can get/set property by using its name in a string. For example: Label1.Caption:= GetComponentProperty(Button1, 'Caption', AObject, false); Answer: uses Classes, TypInfo, Sysutils; //To get a component property value function GetComponentProperty(Comp: TPersistent; const CompProp: string; out AObject: TObject; const ViewByName: boolean): string; var C: TPersistent; Inf: PPropInfo; AMethod: TMethod; Instance: TPersistent; begin result:=''; C:= Comp; if C nil then begin Inf:= GetPropInfo(C, CompProp); if Inf nil then case Inf.PropType^.Kind of tkChar, tkWChar, tkString, tkLString, tkWString : result:= GetStrProp(C, Inf); tkInteger : result:= IntToStr(Integer(GetOrdProp(C, Inf))); tkFloat : result:= FloatToStr(GetFloatProp(C, Inf)); tkEnumeration: result:= GetEnumName(Inf.PropType^,GetOrdProp(C, Inf)); tkClass : begin AObject:= GetObjectProp(C, CompProp, GetClass(Inf.PropType^.Name)); end; tkMethod : begin if ViewByName then begin AMethod:= GetMethodProp(C, Inf); Instance := AMethod.Data; if assigned(Instance) then result:= Instance.MethodName(AMethod.Code); end else begin AMethod:= GetMethodProp(C, Inf); Instance := AMethod.Data; if assigned(Instance) then result:= format('%d.%d',[LongInt(AMethod.Code), LongInt(AMethod.Data)]); end; end; end; end; end; -------------------------- //To Set a component property (if it is not a object property) procedure SetComponentProperty(Comp: TPersistent; const CompProp, PropValue: string); var C : TPersistent; Inf : PPropInfo; OrdValue: integer; CodeAddr, DataAddr: string; AMethod : TMethod; DisableMethod: TMethod; begin C:= Comp; if C nil then begin Inf:= GetPropInfo(C.ClassInfo,CompProp); if Inf nil then case Inf.PropType^.Kind of tkChar, tkWChar, tkInteger : SetOrdProp(C, Inf, StrToInt(PropValue)); tkLString, tkWString : SetStrProp(C, Inf, PropValue); tkFloat : SetFloatProp(C, Inf, StrToFloat(PropValue)); tkEnumeration: begin OrdValue:=GetEnumValue(Inf.PropType^,PropValue); if (OrdValue -1) then SetOrdProp(C, Inf, OrdValue) else raise exception.CreateFmt('Property not found: %s',[CompProp]); end; tkMethod : begin if PropValue = DisabledMethod then SetMethodProp(C, Inf, DisableMethod) else if PropValue '' then begin CodeAddr:= Copy(PropValue, 1, Pos('.',PropValue) - 1); DataAddr:= Copy(PropValue, Pos('.',PropValue) + 1, length(PropValue)); AMethod.Code:= Pointer(StrToInt(CodeAddr)); AMethod.Data:= Pointer(StrToInt(DataAddr)); SetMethodProp(C, CompProp, AMethod); end; end; else begin raise exception.createfmt('Property type not allowed: %s',[Inf.PropType^.Name]); end; end; end; end; ---------------------------------------------------- //If it is a ObjectProperty //To set procedure SetComponentObjectProperty(Comp: TPersistent; const CompProp: string; Value: TObject); var Inf: PPropInfo; begin Inf:= GetPropInfo(Comp.ClassInfo, CompProp); if Inf nil then SetObjectProp(Comp, Inf, Value); end; //And to get function GetComponentObjectProperty(Comp: TPersistent; const CompProp: string): TObject; begin result:= GetObjectProp(Comp, CompProp, GetObjectPropClass(Comp, CompProp)); end; ------------------------------------------------------- //And now you can clone any object properties procedure GetProperties(Comp: TPersistent; List: TStringList; TypeKinds: TTypeKinds); var i, Count: integer; Size: LongInt; PropList: PPropList; begin Count:=GetPropList(Comp.ClassInfo, TypeKinds, nil); Size := Count * SizeOf(Pointer); GetMem(PropList, Size); GetPropList(Comp.ClassInfo, TypeKinds, PropList); for i:= 0 to Count - 1 do List.Add(PropList[i]^.Name); end; function CloneProperties(FromObject, ToObject: TPersistent): integer; var i: integer; AList: TStringList; DummyObject: TObject; begin AList:= TStringList.Create; GetProperties(FromObject, AList, [tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkFloat, tkString, tkSet, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString, tkVariant, tkArray, tkInt64, tkClass]); for i:= 0 to AList.Count - 1 do if GetPropertyType(FromObject, AList[i]) = tkClass then SetComponentObjectProperty(ToObject, AList[i], GetComponentObjectProperty(FromObject, AList[i])) else SetComponentProperty(ToObject, AList[i], GetComponentProperty(FromObject, AList[i], DummyObject)); result:= AList.Count;; end; ------------------------------------------------------