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Categories / Delphi / OOP

[] Format örnekleri

var text : string; begin // Just 1 data item ShowMessage(Format('%s', ['Merhaba'])); // A mix of literal text and a data item ShowMessage(Format('String = %s', ['Merhaba'])); ShowMessage(''); // Examples of each of the data types ShowMessage(Format('Decimal = %d', [-123])); ShowMessage(Format('Exponent = %e', [12345.678])); ShowMessage(Format('Fixed = %f', [12345.678])); ShowMessage(Format('General = %g', [12345.678])); ShowMessage(Format('Number = %n', [12345.678])); ShowMessage(Format('Money = %m', [12345.678])); ShowMessage(Format('Pointer = %p', [addr(text)])); ShowMessage(Format('String = %s', ['Merhaba'])); ShowMessage(Format('Unsigned decimal = %u', [123])); ShowMessage(Format('Hexadecimal = %x', [140])); end; (* Çıktılar Merhaba String = Merhaba Decimal = -123 Exponent = 1.23456780000000E+004 Fixed = 12345.68 General = 12345.678 Number = 12,345,68 Money = 12.345,68TL Pointer = 0069FC90 String = Hello Unsigned decimal = 123 Hexadecimal = 8C *) begin // The width value dictates the output size // with blank padding to the left // Note the <> characters are added to show formatting ShowMessage(Format('Padded decimal = <%7d>', [1234])); // With the '-' operator, the data is left justified ShowMessage(Format('Justified decimal = <%-7d>', [1234])); // The precision value forces 0 padding to the desired size ShowMessage(Format('0 padded decimal = <%.6d>', [1234])); // A combination of width and precision // Note that width value precedes the precision value ShowMessage(Format('Width + precision = <%8.6d>', [1234])); // The index value allows the next value in the data array // to be changed ShowMessage(Format('Reposition after 3 strings = %s %s %s %1:s %s', ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three'])); // One or more of the values may be provided by the // data array itself. Note that testing has shown that an * // for the width parameter can yield EConvertError. ShowMessage(Format('In line = <%10.4d>', [1234])); ShowMessage(Format('Part data driven = <%*.4d>', [10, 1234])); ShowMessage(Format('Data driven = <%*.*d>', [10, 4, 1234])); end; (* Çıktılar Padded decimal = < 1234> Justified decimal = <1234 > 0 padded decimal = <001234> Width + precision = < 001234> Reposition after 3 strings = Zero One Two One Two In line = < 1234> Part data driven = < 1234> Data driven = < 1234> *)