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Using Enter Key Without Sound (Revised Code)

Title: Using Enter Key Without Sound (Revised Code) Question: How to prevent the beep sound generated by windows when using Enter key as Tab on TEdit control. Answer: This is a revised code previously presented in the article 'Using Enter Key' at The new code is aimed to prevent the beep sound generated by windows when using Enter key on TEdit control, Note: If you are new to Delphi please note that the first procedure below must entered manually along with its corresponding declaration in the form class. procedure TForm1.EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if key = #13 then key := #0; end; procedure TForm1.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var ACtrl: TWinControl; k: TKeyPressEvent; begin if key = 13 then begin ACtrl := ActiveControl; if ACtrl is TCustomMemo then exit; if ACtrl is TEdit then begin if assigned(TEdit(ACtrl).onKeyPress) then k:= TEdit(ACtrl).OnKeyPress; TEdit(ACtrl).OnKeyPress := EditKeyPress; end; repeat ACtrl:= FindNextControl(ACtrl,true,true,false); until (ACtrl is TCustomEdit) or (ACtrl is TCustomComboBox) or (ACtrl is TCustomListBox) or (ACtrl is TCustomCheckBox) or (ACtrl is TRadioButton); if ACtrl is TEdit then begin if assigned(K) then TEdit(ACtrl).OnKeyPress := K; end; ACtrl.SetFocus ; end; end;