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Retrieve informations about a wave file

unit W32Waves; { Unit for accessing Windows PCM wave file informations By Ulli Conrad <> } interface uses SysUtils, Windows, MMSystem, Dialogs; type PWaveInformation = ^tWaveInformation; TWaveInformation = record WaveFormat: Word; { Wave format identifier } Channels: Word; { Mono=1, Stereo=2 } SampleRate: Longint; { Sample rate in Hertz } BitsPerSample: Word; { Resolution, e.g. 8 or 16 Bit } SamplesNumber: Longint; { Number of samples } Length: Extended; { Sample length in seconds } ValidWave: bool; { Specifies if the file could be read } end; const { Constants for wave format identifier } WAVE_FORMAT_PCM = $0001; { Windows PCM } WAVE_FORMAT_G723_ADPCM = $0014; { Antex ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_ANTEX_ADPCME = $0033; { Antex ADPCME } WAVE_FORMAT_G721_ADPCM = $0040; { Antex ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_APTX = $0025; { Audio Processing Technology } WAVE_FORMAT_AUDIOFILE_AF36 = $0024; { Audiofile, Inc. } WAVE_FORMAT_AUDIOFILE_AF10 = $0026; { Audiofile, Inc. } WAVE_FORMAT_CONTROL_RES_VQLPC = $0034; { Control Resources Limited } WAVE_FORMAT_CONTROL_RES_CR10 = $0037; { Control Resources Limited } WAVE_FORMAT_CREATIVE_ADPCM = $0200; { Creative ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC2 = $0030; { Dolby Laboratories } WAVE_FORMAT_DSPGROUP_TRUESPEECH = $0022; { DSP Group, Inc } WAVE_FORMAT_DIGISTD = $0015; { DSP Solutions, Inc. } WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIFIX = $0016; { DSP Solutions, Inc. } WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIREAL = $0035; { DSP Solutions, Inc. } WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIADPCM = $0036; { DSP Solutions ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_ECHOSC1 = $0023; { Echo Speech Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_FM_TOWNS_SND = $0300; { Fujitsu Corp. } WAVE_FORMAT_IBM_CVSD = $0005; { IBM Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_OLIGSM = $1000; { Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. } WAVE_FORMAT_OLIADPCM = $1001; { Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. } WAVE_FORMAT_OLICELP = $1002; { Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. } WAVE_FORMAT_OLISBC = $1003; { Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. } WAVE_FORMAT_OLIOPR = $1004; { Ing C. Olivetti & C., S.p.A. } WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM = $0011; { Intel ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM = $0011; { Intel ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = $0000; WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM = $0002; { Microsoft ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW = $0006; { Microsoft Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW = $0007; { Microsoft Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_GSM610 = $0031; { Microsoft Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG = $0050; { Microsoft Corporation } WAVE_FORMAT_NMS_VBXADPCM = $0038; { Natural MicroSystems ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_OKI_ADPCM = $0010; { OKI ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_SIERRA_ADPCM = $0013; { Sierra ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_SONARC = $0021; { Speech Compression } WAVE_FORMAT_MEDIASPACE_ADPCM = $0012; { Videologic ADPCM } WAVE_FORMAT_YAMAHA_ADPCM = $0020; { Yamaha ADPCM } function GetWaveInformationFromFile(FileName: string; Info: pWaveInformation): bool; implementation type TCommWaveFmtHeader = record wFormatTag: Word; { Fixed, must be 1 } nChannels: Word; { Mono=1, Stereo=2 } nSamplesPerSec: Longint; { SampleRate in Hertz } nAvgBytesPerSec: Longint; nBlockAlign: Word; nBitsPerSample: Word; { Resolution, e.g. 8 or 16 } cbSize: Longint; { Size of extra information in the extended fmt Header } end; function GetWaveInformationFromFile(FileName: string; Info: pWaveInformation): bool; var hdmmio: HMMIO; mmckinfoParent: TMMCKInfo; mmckinfoSubchunk: TMMCKInfo; Fmt: TCommWaveFmtHeader; Samples: Longint; begin Result := False; FillChar(Info^, SizeOf(TWaveInformation), #0); { Initialize first } hdmmio := mmioOpen(PChar(FileName), nil, MMIO_READ); if (hdmmio = 0) then Exit; {* Locate a 'RIFF' chunk with a 'WAVE' form type * to make sure it's a WAVE file. *} mmckinfoParent.fccType := mmioStringToFOURCC('WAVE', MMIO_TOUPPER); if (mmioDescend(hdmmio, PMMCKINFO(@mmckinfoParent), nil, MMIO_FINDRIFF) <> 0) then Exit; {* Now, find the format chunk (form type 'fmt '). It should be * a subchunk of the 'RIFF' parent chunk. *} mmckinfoSubchunk.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('fmt ', 0); if (mmioDescend(hdmmio, @mmckinfoSubchunk, @mmckinfoParent, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) <> 0) then Exit; // Read the format chunk. if (mmioRead(hdmmio, PChar(@fmt), Longint(SizeOf(TCommWaveFmtHeader))) <> Longint(SizeOf(TCommWaveFmtHeader))) then Exit; Info^.WaveFormat := fmt.wFormatTag; Info^.Channels := fmt.nChannels; Info^.SampleRate := fmt.nSamplesPerSec; Info^.BitsPerSample := fmt.nBitsPerSample; mmioAscend(hdmmio, @mmckinfoSubchunk, 0); // Ascend out of the format subchunk. mmckinfoSubchunk.ckid := mmioStringToFOURCC('data', 0); // Find the data subchunk. if (mmioDescend(hdmmio, @mmckinfoSubchunk, @mmckinfoParent, MMIO_FINDCHUNK) <> 0) then Exit; Info^.SamplesNumber := mmckinfoSubchunk.cksize; // Get the size of the data subchunk. Samples := (Info^.SamplesNumber * 8 * Info^.Channels) div Info^.BitsPerSample; Info^.Length := Samples / Info^.Samplerate; mmioClose(hdmmio, 0); // We're done with the file, close it. Info^.ValidWave := True; Result := True; end; end.