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Program a peak level meter

{ Every line going into and out of the mixer has a number of "controls" associated with it. Some of those controls are "meters," which give you a real-time value of the sound level on the corresponding line. Not all lines have meter controls, and not all sound cards provide support for meters. Here's some code that will retrieve a handle to the meter attached to the WaveOut source of the speaker line, if there is one: } uses MMSystem; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var MixerControl: TMixerControl; MixerControlDetails: TMixerControlDetails; MixerControlDetailsSigned: TMixerControlDetailsSigned; Mixer: THandle; MixerLine: TMixerLine; MixerLineControls: TMixerLineControls; PeakMeter: DWORD; Rslt: DWORD; SourceCount: Cardinal; WaveOut: DWORD; I: Integer; X: Integer; Y: Integer; begin Rslt := mixerOpen(@Mixer, 0, 0, 0, 0); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t open mixer (%d)', [Rslt]); FillChar(MixerLine, SizeOf(MixerLine), 0); MixerLine.cbStruct := SizeOf(MixerLine); MixerLine.dwComponentType := MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS; Rslt := mixerGetLineInfo(Mixer, @MixerLine, MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t find speaker line (%d)', [Rslt]); SourceCount := MixerLine.cConnections; WaveOut := $FFFFFFFF; for I := 0 to SourceCount - 1 do begin MixerLine.dwSource := I; Rslt := mixerGetLineInfo(Mixer, @MixerLine, MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_SOURCE); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t get source line (%d)', [Rslt]); if MixerLine.dwComponentType = MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT then begin WaveOut := MixerLine.dwLineId; Break; end; end; if WaveOut = $FFFFFFFF then raise Exception.Create('Can''t find wave out device'); FillChar(MixerLineControls, SizeOf(MixerLineControls), 0); with MixerLineControls do begin cbStruct := SizeOf(MixerLineControls); dwLineId := WaveOut; dwControlType := MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_PEAKMETER; cControls := 1; cbmxctrl := SizeOf(TMixerControl); pamxctrl := @MixerControl; end; Rslt := mixerGetLineControls(Mixer, @MixerLineControls, MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t find peak meter control (%d)', [Rslt]); PeakMeter := MixerControl.dwControlID; // at this point, I have the meter control ID, so I can // repeatedly query its value and plot the resulting data // on a canvas X := 0; FillChar(MixerControlDetails, SizeOf(MixerControlDetails), 0); with MixerControlDetails do begin cbStruct := SizeOf(MixerControlDetails); dwControlId := PeakMeter; cChannels := 1; cbDetails := SizeOf(MixerControlDetailsSigned); paDetails := @MixerControlDetailsSigned; end; repeat Sleep(10); Rslt := mixerGetControlDetails(Mixer, @MixerControlDetails, MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t get control details (%d)', [Rslt]); Application.ProcessMessages; Inc(X); Y := 300 - Round(300 * Abs(MixerControlDetailsSigned.lValue) / 32768); with Canvas do begin MoveTo(X, 0); Pen.Color := clBtnFace; LineTo(X, 300); Pen.Color := clWindowText; LineTo(X, Y); end; until X > 500; // don't forget to close the mixer handle when you're done Rslt := mixerClose(Mixer); if Rslt <> 0 then raise Exception.CreateFmt('Can''t close mixer (%d)', [Rslt]); end;