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Notilus - tid3v2

// < Görkem SARI > // < > { *************************************************************************** } { } { Audio Tools Library (Freeware) } { Class TID3v2 - for manipulating with ID3v2 tags } { } { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 by Jurgen Faul } { E-mail: } { } { } { Version 1.4 (24 March 2002) } { - Reading support for ID3v2.2.x & ID3v2.4.x tags } { } { Version 1.3 (16 February 2002) } { - Fixed bug with property Comment } { - Added info: composer, encoder, copyright, language, link } { } { Version 1.2 (17 October 2001) } { - Writing support for ID3v2.3.x tags } { - Fixed bug with track number detection } { - Fixed bug with tag reading } { } { Version 1.1 (31 August 2001) } { - Added public procedure ResetData } { } { Version 1.0 (14 August 2001) } { - Reading support for ID3v2.3.x tags } { - Tag info: title, artist, album, track, year, genre, comment } { } { *************************************************************************** } unit ID3v2; interface uses Classes, SysUtils; const TAG_VERSION_2_2 = 2; { Code for ID3v2.2.x tag } TAG_VERSION_2_3 = 3; { Code for ID3v2.3.x tag } TAG_VERSION_2_4 = 4; { Code for ID3v2.4.x tag } type { Class TID3v2 } TID3v2 = class(TObject) private { Private declarations } FExists: Boolean; FVersionID: Byte; FSize: Integer; FTitle: string; FArtist: string; FAlbum: string; FTrack: Byte; FYear: string; FGenre: string; FComment: string; FComposer: string; FEncoder: string; FCopyright: string; FLanguage: string; FLink: string; procedure FSetTitle(const NewTitle: string); procedure FSetArtist(const NewArtist: string); procedure FSetAlbum(const NewAlbum: string); procedure FSetTrack(const NewTrack: Byte); procedure FSetYear(const NewYear: string); procedure FSetGenre(const NewGenre: string); procedure FSetComment(const NewComment: string); procedure FSetComposer(const NewComposer: string); procedure FSetEncoder(const NewEncoder: string); procedure FSetCopyright(const NewCopyright: string); procedure FSetLanguage(const NewLanguage: string); procedure FSetLink(const NewLink: string); public { Public declarations } constructor Create; { Create object } procedure ResetData; { Reset all data } function ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Load tag } function SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Save tag } function RemoveFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; { Delete tag } property Exists: Boolean read FExists; { True if tag found } property VersionID: Byte read FVersionID; { Version code } property Size: Integer read FSize; { Total tag size } property Title: string read FTitle write FSetTitle; { Song title } property Artist: string read FArtist write FSetArtist; { Artist name } property Album: string read FAlbum write FSetAlbum; { Album title } property Track: Byte read FTrack write FSetTrack; { Track number } property Year: string read FYear write FSetYear; { Release year } property Genre: string read FGenre write FSetGenre; { Genre name } property Comment: string read FComment write FSetComment; { Comment } property Composer: string read FComposer write FSetComposer; { Composer } property Encoder: string read FEncoder write FSetEncoder; { Encoder } property Copyright: string read FCopyright write FSetCopyright; { (c) } property Language: string read FLanguage write FSetLanguage; { Language } property Link: string read FLink write FSetLink; { URL link } end; implementation const { ID3v2 tag ID } ID3V2_ID = 'ID3'; { Max. number of supported tag frames } ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT = 16; { Names of supported tag frames (ID3v2.3.x & ID3v2.4.x) } ID3V2_FRAME_NEW: array [1..ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT] of string = ('TIT2', 'TPE1', 'TALB', 'TRCK', 'TYER', 'TCON', 'COMM', 'TCOM', 'TENC', 'TCOP', 'TLAN', 'WXXX', 'TDRC', 'TOPE', 'TIT1', 'TOAL'); { Names of supported tag frames (ID3v2.2.x) } ID3V2_FRAME_OLD: array [1..ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT] of string = ('TT2', 'TP1', 'TAL', 'TRK', 'TYE', 'TCO', 'COM', 'TCM', 'TEN', 'TCR', 'TLA', 'WXX', 'TOR', 'TOA', 'TT1', 'TOT'); type { Frame header (ID3v2.3.x & ID3v2.4.x) } FrameHeaderNew = record ID: array [1..4] of Char; { Frame ID } Size: Integer; { Size excluding header } Flags: Word; { Flags } end; { Frame header (ID3v2.2.x) } FrameHeaderOld = record ID: array [1..3] of Char; { Frame ID } Size: array [1..3] of Byte; { Size excluding header } end; { ID3v2 header data - for internal use } TagInfo = record { Real structure of ID3v2 header } ID: array [1..3] of Char; { Always "ID3" } Version: Byte; { Version number } Revision: Byte; { Revision number } Flags: Byte; { Flags of tag } Size: array [1..4] of Byte; { Tag size excluding header } { Extended data } FileSize: Integer; { File size (bytes) } Frame: array [1..ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT] of string; { Information from frames } end; { ********************* Auxiliary functions & procedures ******************** } function ReadHeader(const FileName: string; var Tag: TagInfo): Boolean; var SourceFile: file; Transferred: Integer; begin try Result := true; { Set read-access and open file } AssignFile(SourceFile, FileName); FileMode := 0; Reset(SourceFile, 1); { Read header and get file size } BlockRead(SourceFile, Tag, 10, Transferred); Tag.FileSize := FileSize(SourceFile); CloseFile(SourceFile); { if transfer is not complete } if Transferred < 10 then Result := false; except { Error } Result := false; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function GetTagSize(const Tag: TagInfo): Integer; begin { Get total tag size } Result := Tag.Size[1] * $200000 + Tag.Size[2] * $4000 + Tag.Size[3] * $80 + Tag.Size[4] + 10; if Tag.Flags and $10 > 0 then Inc(Result, 10); if Result > Tag.FileSize then Result := 0; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure SetTagItem(const ID, Data: string; var Tag: TagInfo); var Iterator: Byte; FrameID: string; begin { Set tag item if supported frame found } for Iterator := 1 to ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT do begin if Tag.Version > TAG_VERSION_2_2 then FrameID := ID3V2_FRAME_NEW[Iterator] else FrameID := ID3V2_FRAME_OLD[Iterator]; if FrameID = ID then Tag.Frame[Iterator] := Data; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function Swap32(const Figure: Integer): Integer; var ByteArray: array [1..4] of Byte absolute Figure; begin { Swap 4 bytes } Result := ByteArray[1] * $1000000 + ByteArray[2] * $10000 + ByteArray[3] * $100 + ByteArray[4]; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure ReadFramesNew(const FileName: string; var Tag: TagInfo); var SourceFile: file; Frame: FrameHeaderNew; Data: array [1..250] of Char; DataPosition, DataSize: Integer; begin { Get information from frames (ID3v2.3.x & ID3v2.4.x) } try { Set read-access, open file } AssignFile(SourceFile, FileName); FileMode := 0; Reset(SourceFile, 1); Seek(SourceFile, 10); while (FilePos(SourceFile) < GetTagSize(Tag)) and (not EOF(SourceFile)) do begin FillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0); { Read frame header and check frame ID } BlockRead(SourceFile, Frame, 10); if not (Frame.ID[1] in ['A'..'Z']) then break; { Note data position and determine significant data size } DataPosition := FilePos(SourceFile); if Swap32(Frame.Size) > SizeOf(Data) then DataSize := SizeOf(Data) else DataSize := Swap32(Frame.Size); { Read frame data and set tag item if frame supported } BlockRead(SourceFile, Data, DataSize); SetTagItem(Frame.ID, Data, Tag); Seek(SourceFile, DataPosition + Swap32(Frame.Size)); end; CloseFile(SourceFile); except end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure ReadFramesOld(const FileName: string; var Tag: TagInfo); var SourceFile: file; Frame: FrameHeaderOld; Data: array [1..250] of Char; DataPosition, FrameSize, DataSize: Integer; begin { Get information from frames (ID3v2.2.x) } try { Set read-access, open file } AssignFile(SourceFile, FileName); FileMode := 0; Reset(SourceFile, 1); Seek(SourceFile, 10); while (FilePos(SourceFile) < GetTagSize(Tag)) and (not EOF(SourceFile)) do begin FillChar(Data, SizeOf(Data), 0); { Read frame header and check frame ID } BlockRead(SourceFile, Frame, 6); if not (Frame.ID[1] in ['A'..'Z']) then break; { Note data position and determine significant data size } DataPosition := FilePos(SourceFile); FrameSize := Frame.Size[1] shl 16 + Frame.Size[2] shl 8 + Frame.Size[3]; if FrameSize > SizeOf(Data) then DataSize := SizeOf(Data) else DataSize := FrameSize; { Read frame data and set tag item if frame supported } BlockRead(SourceFile, Data, DataSize); SetTagItem(Frame.ID, Data, Tag); Seek(SourceFile, DataPosition + FrameSize); end; CloseFile(SourceFile); except end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function GetContent(const Content1, Content2: string): string; begin { Get content preferring the first content } Result := Trim(Content1); if Result = '' then Result := Trim(Content2); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function ExtractTrack(const TrackString: string): Byte; var Index, Value, Code: Integer; begin { Extract track from string } Index := Pos('/', Trim(TrackString)); if Index = 0 then Val(Trim(TrackString), Value, Code) else Val(Copy(Trim(TrackString), 1, Index - 1), Value, Code); if Code = 0 then Result := Value else Result := 0; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function ExtractYear(const YearString, DateString: string): string; begin { Extract year from strings } Result := Trim(YearString); if Result = '' then Result := Copy(Trim(DateString), 1, 4); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function ExtractGenre(const GenreString: string): string; begin { Extract genre from string } Result := Trim(GenreString); if Pos(')', Result) > 0 then Delete(Result, 1, LastDelimiter(')', Result)); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function ExtractComment(const CommentString: string): string; var Comment: string; begin { Extract comment from string } Comment := CommentString; Delete(Comment, 1, 4); Delete(Comment, 1, Pos(#0, Comment)); Result := Trim(Comment); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function ExtractLink(const LinkString: string): string; var Link: string; begin { Extract URL link from string } Link := LinkString; Delete(Link, 1, 1); Delete(Link, 1, Pos(#0, Link)); Result := Trim(Link); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure BuildHeader(var Tag: TagInfo); var Iterator, TagSize: Integer; begin { Build tag header } Tag.ID := ID3V2_ID; Tag.Version := TAG_VERSION_2_3; Tag.Revision := 0; Tag.Flags := 0; TagSize := 0; for Iterator := 1 to ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT do if Tag.Frame[Iterator] <> '' then Inc(TagSize, Length(Tag.Frame[Iterator]) + 11); { Convert tag size } Tag.Size[1] := TagSize div $200000; Tag.Size[2] := TagSize div $4000; Tag.Size[3] := TagSize div $80; Tag.Size[4] := TagSize mod $80; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function RebuildFile(const FileName: string; TagData: TStream): Boolean; var Tag: TagInfo; Source, Destination: TFileStream; BufferName: string; begin { Rebuild file with old file data and new tag data (optional) } Result := false; if (not FileExists(FileName)) or (FileSetAttr(FileName, 0) <> 0) then exit; if not ReadHeader(FileName, Tag) then exit; if (TagData = nil) and (Tag.ID <> ID3V2_ID) then exit; try { Create file streams } BufferName := FileName + '~'; Source := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareExclusive); Destination := TFileStream.Create(BufferName, fmCreate); { Copy data blocks } if Tag.ID = ID3V2_ID then Source.Seek(GetTagSize(Tag), soFromBeginning); if TagData <> nil then Destination.CopyFrom(TagData, 0); Destination.CopyFrom(Source, Source.Size - Source.Position); { Free resources } Source.Free; Destination.Free; { Replace old file and delete temporary file } if (DeleteFile(FileName)) and (RenameFile(BufferName, FileName)) then Result := true else raise Exception.Create(''); except { Access error } if FileExists(BufferName) then DeleteFile(BufferName); end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function SaveTag(const FileName: string; Tag: TagInfo): Boolean; var TagData: TStringStream; Iterator, FrameSize: Integer; begin { Build and write tag header and frames to stream } TagData := TStringStream.Create(''); BuildHeader(Tag); TagData.Write(Tag, 10); for Iterator := 1 to ID3V2_FRAME_COUNT do if Tag.Frame[Iterator] <> '' then begin TagData.WriteString(ID3V2_FRAME_NEW[Iterator]); FrameSize := Swap32(Length(Tag.Frame[Iterator]) + 1); TagData.Write(FrameSize, SizeOf(FrameSize)); TagData.WriteString(#0#0#0 + Tag.Frame[Iterator]); end; { Rebuild file with new tag data } Result := RebuildFile(FileName, TagData); TagData.Free; end; { ********************** Private functions & procedures ********************* } procedure TID3v2.FSetTitle(const NewTitle: string); begin { Set song title } FTitle := Trim(NewTitle); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetArtist(const NewArtist: string); begin { Set artist name } FArtist := Trim(NewArtist); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetAlbum(const NewAlbum: string); begin { Set album title } FAlbum := Trim(NewAlbum); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetTrack(const NewTrack: Byte); begin { Set track number } FTrack := NewTrack; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetYear(const NewYear: string); begin { Set release year } FYear := Trim(NewYear); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetGenre(const NewGenre: string); begin { Set genre name } FGenre := Trim(NewGenre); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetComment(const NewComment: string); begin { Set comment } FComment := Trim(NewComment); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetComposer(const NewComposer: string); begin { Set composer name } FComposer := Trim(NewComposer); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetEncoder(const NewEncoder: string); begin { Set encoder name } FEncoder := Trim(NewEncoder); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetCopyright(const NewCopyright: string); begin { Set copyright information } FCopyright := Trim(NewCopyright); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetLanguage(const NewLanguage: string); begin { Set language } FLanguage := Trim(NewLanguage); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.FSetLink(const NewLink: string); begin { Set URL link } FLink := Trim(NewLink); end; { ********************** Public functions & procedures ********************** } constructor TID3v2.Create; begin { Create object } inherited; ResetData; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TID3v2.ResetData; begin { Reset all variables } FExists := false; FVersionID := 0; FSize := 0; FTitle := ''; FArtist := ''; FAlbum := ''; FTrack := 0; FYear := ''; FGenre := ''; FComment := ''; FComposer := ''; FEncoder := ''; FCopyright := ''; FLanguage := ''; FLink := ''; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TID3v2.ReadFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Tag: TagInfo; begin { Reset data and load header from file to variable } ResetData; Result := ReadHeader(FileName, Tag); { Process data if loaded and header valid } if (Result) and (Tag.ID = ID3V2_ID) then begin FExists := true; { Fill properties with header data } FVersionID := Tag.Version; FSize := GetTagSize(Tag); { Get information from frames if version supported } if (FVersionID in [TAG_VERSION_2_2..TAG_VERSION_2_4]) and (FSize > 0) then begin if FVersionID > TAG_VERSION_2_2 then ReadFramesNew(FileName, Tag) else ReadFramesOld(FileName, Tag); FTitle := GetContent(Tag.Frame[1], Tag.Frame[15]); FArtist := GetContent(Tag.Frame[2], Tag.Frame[14]); FAlbum := GetContent(Tag.Frame[3], Tag.Frame[16]); FTrack := ExtractTrack(Tag.Frame[4]); FYear := ExtractYear(Tag.Frame[5], Tag.Frame[13]); FGenre := ExtractGenre(Tag.Frame[6]); FComment := ExtractComment(Tag.Frame[7]); FComposer := Trim(Tag.Frame[8]); FEncoder := Trim(Tag.Frame[9]); FCopyright := Trim(Tag.Frame[10]); FLanguage := Trim(Tag.Frame[11]); FLink := ExtractLink(Tag.Frame[12]); end; end; end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TID3v2.SaveToFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; var Tag: TagInfo; begin { Prepare tag data and save to file } FillChar(Tag, SizeOf(Tag), 0); Tag.Frame[1] := FTitle; Tag.Frame[2] := FArtist; Tag.Frame[3] := FAlbum; if FTrack > 0 then Tag.Frame[4] := IntToStr(FTrack); Tag.Frame[5] := FYear; Tag.Frame[6] := FGenre; if FComment <> '' then Tag.Frame[7] := 'eng' + #0 + FComment; Tag.Frame[8] := FComposer; Tag.Frame[9] := FEncoder; Tag.Frame[10] := FCopyright; Tag.Frame[11] := FLanguage; if FLink <> '' then Tag.Frame[12] := #0 + FLink; Result := SaveTag(FileName, Tag); end; { --------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function TID3v2.RemoveFromFile(const FileName: string): Boolean; begin { Remove tag from file } Result := RebuildFile(FileName, nil); end; end. { Herkese iyi çalışmalar... Görkem SARI }