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How to mute the master volume of your soundcard

Title: How to mute the master volume of your soundcard uses MMSystem; function GetMasterMute( Mixer: hMixerObj; var Control: TMixerControl): MMResult; // Returns True on success var Line: TMixerLine; Controls: TMixerLineControls; begin ZeroMemory(@Line, SizeOf(Line)); Line.cbStruct := SizeOf(Line); Line.dwComponentType := MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS; Result := mixerGetLineInfo(Mixer, @Line, MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE); if Result = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin ZeroMemory(@Controls, SizeOf(Controls)); Controls.cbStruct := SizeOf(Controls); Controls.dwLineID := Line.dwLineID; Controls.cControls := 1; Controls.dwControlType := MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MUTE; Controls.cbmxctrl := SizeOf(Control); Controls.pamxctrl := @Control; Result := mixerGetLineControls(Mixer, @Controls, MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE); end; end; procedure SetMasterMuteValue( Mixer: hMixerObj; Value: Boolean); var MasterMute: TMixerControl; Details: TMixerControlDetails; BoolDetails: TMixerControlDetailsBoolean; Code: MMResult; begin Code := GetMasterMute(0, MasterMute); if Code = MMSYSERR_NOERROR then begin with Details do begin cbStruct := SizeOf(Details); dwControlID := MasterMute.dwControlID; cChannels := 1; cMultipleItems := 0; cbDetails := SizeOf(BoolDetails); paDetails := @BoolDetails; end; LongBool(BoolDetails.fValue) := Value; Code := mixerSetControlDetails(0, @Details, MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE); end; if Code MMSYSERR_NOERROR then raise Exception.CreateFmt('SetMasterMuteValue failure, '+ 'multimedia system error #%d', [Code]); end; // Example: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SetMasterMuteValue(0, CheckBox1.Checked); // Mixer device #0 mute on/off end;