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How to know if an sound card is present

Title: How to know if an sound card is present Question: My program did play wave files also if the soundcard was not present and a crash was raised. That's the solution. Answer: Function IsSoundCardInstalled : Boolean; Type SCFunc = Function : UInt; StdCall; Var LibInst : LongInt; EntryPoint : SCFunc; Begin Result := False; LibInst := LoadLibrary( PChar( 'winmm.dll' ) ); Try If ( Not( LibInst = 0 ) ) Then Begin EntryPoint := GetProcAddress( LibInst, 'waveOutGetNumDevs' ); If ( EntryPoint 0 ) Then Result := True; End; Finally If ( Not( LibInst = 0 ) ) Then FreeLibrary( LibInst ); End; End; Now, on Form_Create you can do: If ( IsSoundcardInstalled ) Then Label1.Caption := 'A soundcard is present.' Else Label1.Caption := 'No soundcard found. No sounds will be played.';