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How to check if an audio cd is in the cd drive

Title: How to check if an audio-cd is in the cd drive function IsAudioCD(Drive: Char): Boolean; var DrivePath: string; MaximumComponentLength: DWORD; FileSystemFlags: DWORD; VolumeName: string; OldErrorMode: UINT; DriveType: UINT; begin Result := False; DrivePath := Drive + ':\'; OldErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try DriveType := GetDriveType(PChar(DrivePath)); finally SetErrorMode(OldErrorMode); end; if DriveType DRIVE_CDROM then Exit; SetLength(VolumeName, 64); GetVolumeInformation(PChar(DrivePath), PChar(VolumeName), Length(VolumeName), nil, MaximumComponentLength, FileSystemFlags, nil, 0); if lStrCmp(PChar(VolumeName), 'Audio-CD') = 0 then Result := True; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if IsAudioCD('D') then ShowMessage('Audio-CD found in drive D.') else ShowMessage('No Audio-CD found in drive D.'); end;