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Directx kullanarak film-ses denetimi - 2

Begin Case dsEventCode of EC_COMPLETE : Begin StopButton.Click; plState := stStopped; End; End; // Free the event from memory dsMediaEventEx.FreeEventParams(dsEventCode,dsEventParam1,dsEventParam2); End; End; end; procedure TMainForm.SetWindowPos(pLeft,pTop,pWidth,pHeight : Integer); begin If (Assigned(dsVideoWindow)) and (plState <> stClosed) then Begin dsVideoWindow.SetWindowPosition(pLeft,pTop,pWidth,pHeight); End; end; procedure TMainForm.ResetWindowPos; begin SetWindowPos(0,0,VideoPanel.Width,VideoPanel.Height); end; procedure TMainForm.SetCurrentPosition(mPos : Int64); begin If Assigned(dsMediaSeeking) then Begin dsMediaSeeking.SetPositions(mPos,AM_SEEKING_AbsolutePositioning,mPos,AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning); MediaPosition := mPos; End; end; function TMainForm.GetCurrentPosition : Int64; var CurPos : Int64; StopPos : Int64; // Not really used by this program begin // Default result in case of failure Result := -1; If Assigned(dsMediaSeeking) then Begin If dsMediaSeeking.GetPositions(CurPos,StopPos) = S_OK then Begin Result := CurPos; End; End; end; procedure TMainForm.QuitButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; procedure TMainForm.OpenButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var FileName : String; UnicodeFileName : Array[0..(MAX_PATH*2)-1] of Char; begin If OpenDialog.Execute = True then Begin Filename := OpenDialog.FileName; If FileExists(FileName) = True then Begin // First clean the old movie interface DestroyMovieInterface; // In case we can't seek this file MediaPosition := 0; // Now create a new movie interface If CreateMovieInterface = True then Begin // Get filename in UNICODE MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,PChar(FileName),-1,@UnicodeFileName,MAX_PATH); // Render the file filters If dsGraphBuilder.RenderFile(@UnicodeFileName,nil) = S_OK then Begin SetVolume(VolumeBar.Position); plState := stOpen; If Assigned(dsMediaSeeking) then Begin dsMediaSeeking.GetDuration(MediaLength); End; // Set our form as the owner dsVideoWindow.put_Owner(MainForm.Handle); // Set the video window messages (mouse/keyboard) to be routed to our form dsVideoWindow.put_MessageDrain(MainForm.Handle); // Set the video window to be a child window of our form. dsVideoWindow.put_WindowStyle(WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_CLIPCHILDREN); // Set the inital window position ResetWindowPos; // Seek the video to the start and pause. StopButton.Click; End else Begin ShowMessage('Unable to render the file'); DestroyMovieInterface; End; End Else ShowMessage('Unable to create DirectShow Interface'); End; End; end; procedure TMainForm.StopButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin If (plState <> stClosed) and (plState <> stStopped) then Begin If Assigned(dsMediaControl) then Begin // Stop Playback dsMediaControl.Stop; // Seek to First Frame SetCurrentPosition(0); // Pause Playback (brings up first image) dsMediaControl.Pause; plState := stStopped; PlayButton.Caption := 'Play'; UpdateTimeLine; End; End; end; procedure TMainForm.PlayButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin If Assigned(dsMediaControl) and (plState <> stClosed) then Begin // Pause if playing, Play if Stopped or Paused. If (plState = stPaused) or (plState = stStopped) then Begin dsMediaControl.Run; plState := stPlaying; PlayButton.Caption := 'Pause'; End else Begin dsMediaControl.Pause; plState := stPaused; PlayButton.Caption := 'Play'; End; End; end; procedure TMainForm.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin ResetWindowPos; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); begin If (NewHeight < 359) then NewHeight := 359; If (NewWidth < 408) then NewWidth := 408; end; procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin DestroyMovieInterface; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // Smoother form draws MainForm.DoubleBuffered := True; // Create the bitmap used for the timeline TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Width := TimeLineImage.Width; TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Height := TimeLineImage.Height; TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; UpdateTimeLine; end; procedure TMainForm.UpdateTimeLine; begin // Clear the TimeLine; TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,TimeLineImage.Width,TimeLineImage.Height)); // Fill in the current position TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlue; TimeLineImage.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0,0,Trunc(MediaPosition/(MediaLength / 100)),TimeLineImage.Height)); end; procedure TMainForm.SetVolume(vLevel : Integer); begin If Assigned(dsBasicAudio) then dsBasicAudio.Put_Volume(VolumeTable[vLevel]); end; procedure TMainForm.SeekTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); begin If plState <> stClosed then Begin MediaPosition := GetCurrentPosition; UpdateTimeLine; End; end; procedure TMainForm.TimeLineImageMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // Relay the even to the mouse move since they do the same thing TimeLineImageMouseMove(Sender,Shift,X,Y); end; procedure TMainForm.TimeLineImageMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin // Set to the clicked position, only if left mouse button is clicked If Shift = [ssLeft] = True then Begin SetCurrentPosition(Trunc((MediaLength/100)*X)); UpdateTimeLine; End; end; procedure TMainForm.VolumeBarChange(Sender: TObject); begin If plState <> stClosed then SetVolume(VolumeBar.Position); end; procedure TMainForm.FormMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin PlayButton.Click; end; end.