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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Validate email address

Title: Validate email address Question: How to validate an email address Answer: This solution does better validation than article 1067 ( but is smaller (at least no component) than article 1346 ( Updated on 2000-12-06 due to Phil's and Sven's comments. Updated on 2002-06-13 due to Carlos' comment. Thanks for improving! function IsValidEmail(const Value: string): boolean; function CheckAllowed(const s: string): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result:= false; for i:= 1 to Length(s) do begin // illegal char in s - no valid address if not (s[i] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_','-','.']) then Exit; end; Result:= true; end; var i: integer; namePart, serverPart: string; begin // of IsValidEmail Result:= false; i:= Pos('@', Value); if (i = 0) or (pos('..', Value) 0) then Exit; namePart:= Copy(Value, 1, i - 1); serverPart:= Copy(Value, i + 1, Length(Value)); if (Length(namePart) = 0) // @ or name missing or ((Length(serverPart) then Exit; // too short i:= Pos('.', serverPart); // must have dot and at least 3 places from end if (i (Length(serverPart) - 2)) then Exit; Result:= CheckAllowed(namePart) and CheckAllowed(serverPart); end;