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Set the focus on a TWebbrowser

Title: set the focus on a TWebbrowser? { Jeder der mal TWebBrowser.SetFocus ausprobiert hat, musste feststellen, dass der Fokus nicht auf das Webbrowser Dokument (eine Webseite) setzt, sondern auf das Webbrowser Control, was uns nicht gerade viel bringt. Hier werden zwei Möglichkeiten beschrieben, wie man den Fokus auf die "Webseite" (d.h Dokument des Webbrowser) setzen kann. { { Anyone that has worked with TWebBrowser knows that the TWebBrowser.SetFocus procedure doesn't set focus on the "web page", but rather on the control itself, which doesn't do us a whole lot of good. Here are two possibilities to set the focus on the "web page" (i.e., document): } {1} uses ActiveX; begin WebBrowser1.Navigate('irgendeinedatei.html'); with WebBrowser1 do if Document nil then with Application as IOleobject do DoVerb(OLEIVERB_UIACTIVATE, nil, WebBrowser1, 0, Handle, GetClientRect); end; {2} uses MSHTML; begin WebBrowser1.Navigate('irgendeinedatei.html'); repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until WebBrowser1.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE; if WebBrowser1.Document nil then (Webbrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2).ParentWindow.Focus; end;