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Send Report feature like Internet Explorer

Title: "Send Report" feature like Internet Explorer Question: How can I have a special feature like Internet Explorer "Send Report" in my application. Answer: ********************************************************************* ** This component was tested only with D7 but should work with D5. ** ********************************************************************* ** USING: Indy components ** ********************************************************************* ** How to use the component. ** ** Just drop the component on a form and look at the following ** ** pseudo code. ** ** Of course, you need to fill some properties of the component ** ********************************************************************* procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var A: real; begin try A := StrToInt(Trim(Edit1.Text)) / StrToInt(Trim(Edit2.Text)); except on E:Exception do begin RVSendException1.EException := E; RVSendException1.Execute; end; end; end; ********************************************************************* unit RVSendException; interface uses Classes, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Controls, Windows, Graphics, Jpeg, SysUtils, Idmessage, IdSMTP, Dialogs; type TRVSendException = class(TComponent) private FEException: Exception; FFileName: string; FMemo: TMemo; FTitle: string; FSubTitle: string; FServerName: string; FServerPort: integer; FNotificationEmail: string; FCompanyName: string; FContactName: string; FContactEmail: string; FIncScreenCapture: boolean; procedure FScreenCapture; procedure FClick(Sender: TObject); protected { Protected declarations } public property EException: Exception read FEException write FEException; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Execute; published property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; property SubTitle: string read FSubTitle write FSubTitle; property ServerName: string read FServerName write FServerName; property ServerPort: integer read FServerPort write FServerPort; property NotificationEmail: string read FNotificationEmail write FNotificationEmail; property CompanyName: string read FCompanyName write FCompanyName; property ContactName: string read FContactName write FContactName; property ContactEmail: string read FContactEmail write FContactEmail; property IncScreenCapture: boolean read FIncScreenCapture write FIncScreenCapture; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Test', [TRVSendException]); end; { TRVSendException } constructor TRVSendException.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); //Assign some default values FEException := nil; FTitle := 'Warning'; FSubTitle := 'Exception Informations'; FServerName := ''; FServerPort := 25; FNotificationEmail := ''; FCompanyName := 'N/A'; FContactName := 'N/A'; FContactEmail :=''; FIncScreenCapture := True; end; procedure TRVSendException.Execute; var Frm : TForm; Lbl : TLabel; Bvl1: TBevel; Bvl2: TBevel; Btn1: TButton; Btn2: TButton; begin if not Assigned(FEException) then exit; FFileName:= ''; //Create a form to display informations Frm := TForm.Create(nil); Frm.Width := 470; Frm.Height := 244; Frm.Caption := FTitle; //Set the caption of the form Frm.Position := poScreenCenter; LockWindowUpdate(Frm.Handle); //SubTitle label Lbl := TLabel.Create(Frm); Lbl.Parent := Frm; Lbl.Top := 15; Lbl.Left := 10; Lbl.Font.Style := [fsBold]; Lbl.Caption := FSubTitle; Bvl1 := TBevel.Create(Frm); Bvl1.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight]; Bvl1.Parent := Frm; Bvl1.Shape := bsTopLine; Bvl1.Top := 32; Bvl1.Left := 10; Bvl1.Width := 440; Bvl1.Height := 13; Bvl2 := TBevel.Create(Frm); Bvl2.Anchors := [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]; Bvl2.Parent := Frm; Bvl2.Shape := bsTopLine; Bvl2.Top := 169; Bvl2.Left := 10; Bvl2.Width := 440; Bvl2.Height := 13; //Memo containing the error details FMemo := TMemo.Create(Frm); FMemo.Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]; FMemo.Parent := Frm; FMemo.Top := 41; FMemo.Left := 10; FMemo.Width :=440 ; FMemo.Height := 120; FMemo.Color := clBtnFace; FMemo.ReadOnly := True; FMemo.ScrollBars := ssVertical; //Button to "NotSend" a report Btn1 := TButton.Create(Frm); Btn1.Name := 'NOTSEND'; Btn1.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; Btn1.Parent := Frm; Btn1.Top := 181; Btn1.Left := 197; Btn1.Width := 125; Btn1.Height := 25; Btn1.OnClick := FClick; Btn1.Caption := 'Ne pas envoyer rapport'; //Button to "Send" a report Btn2 := TButton.Create(Frm); Btn2.Name := 'SEND'; Btn2.Anchors := [akRight, akBottom]; Btn2.Parent := Frm; Btn2.Top := 181; Btn2.Left := 326; Btn2.Width := 125; Btn2.Height := 25; Btn2.OnClick := FClick; Btn2.Caption := 'Envoyer rapport'; if (FServerName = '') or (FNotificationEmail = '') or (FServerPort = 0) then Btn2.Enabled := False; //Fill the memo FMemo.Lines.Clear; FMemo.Lines.Add('Une erreur non contrle est survenue en utilisant l''application ' + Application.Title + '.'); FMemo.Lines.Add(''); FMemo.Lines.Add('Type d''exception: ' + FEException.ClassName); FMemo.Lines.Add('Nom de l''application: ' + ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName)); FMemo.Lines.Add('Message d''erreur additionnel: ' + FEException.Message); Frm.Hide; Frm.Refresh; LockWindowUpdate(0); //Including or not a screen capture of the desktop if FIncScreenCapture then FScreenCapture; Frm.ShowModal; Frm.Free; end; ******************************************* ** Send the report using Indy components ** ******************************************* procedure TRVSendException.FClick(Sender: TObject); var SMTP : TIdSMTP; MailMessage: TIdMessage; begin if TButton(Sender).Name = 'SEND' then begin try SMTP := TIdSMTP.Create(nil); SMTP.Host := FServerName; SMTP.Port := FServerPort; MailMessage := TIdMessage.Create(nil); MailMessage.Recipients.EMailAddresses := FNotificationEmail; MailMessage.From.Name := FContactName; MailMessage.Subject := 'Avesrtissement d''exception - ' + FCompanyName; MailMessage.Priority := mpHighest; MailMessage.Body.AddStrings(FMemo.Lines); if (FIncScreenCapture) and (FFileName '') then TIdAttachment.Create(MailMessage.MessageParts,FFileName); if SMTP.Connected then SMTP.Disconnect; SMTP.Connect; SMTP.Send(MailMessage); SMTP.Disconnect; except on E:Exception do ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; TForm(TButton(Sender).Parent).Close; end; ******************************************************** ** Get a screenshot of the desktop to see the context ** ******************************************************** procedure TRVSendException.FScreenCapture; var DC : HDC; Bmp : TBitmap; Jpg : TJPEGImage; //I use a JPG to have a minimum of bytes to send Temp: String; begin DC := GetDC(GetDesktopWindow); //Get a desktophandle Bmp := TBitmap.Create; Jpg := TJPEGImage.Create; Temp := GetEnvironmentVariable('TEMP'); try Bmp.Width := GetDeviceCaps(DC,HORZRES); //Horz Size of the desktop Bmp.Height := GetDeviceCaps(DC,VERTRES); //Vert Size of the desktop BitBlt(Bmp.Canvas.Handle,0,0,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height,DC,0,0,SRCCOPY); Jpg.Assign(Bmp); Jpg.CompressionQuality := 75; if Temp '' then //Save the JPG in the TEMP directory begin FFileName := Temp + '\' + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(Application.ExeName),'.JPG'); Jpg.SaveToFile(FFileName); end; finally ReleaseDC(GetDesktopWindow,DC); Jpg.Free; Bmp.Free; end; end; end.