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Send email in console mode

Title: Send email in console mode Question: How can I Send email in console mode? Answer: You can use this unit for do it : unit mapimail; // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple wrapper for Simple MAPI. Sends an email with an // optional file attachment using the client's MAPI client, e.g. // Outlook or NS Communicator. Very simple implementation // limited to one target and one attachment. // -------------------------------------------------------------- interface uses sysutils, dialogs, forms, Windows, MAPI; type tMailFileException = class( Exception ); const ERROR = 'Unable to send email message.' + #10#10 + 'Reason: %s.'; function sendMail( const TargetName, TargetAddr, SenderName, SenderAddr, MsgSubject, MsgContent, Attachment : String; PreviewMsg : Boolean = TRUE ) : Integer; function getMAPIError( intErrorCode : Integer ) : String; implementation function sendMail( const TargetName, TargetAddr, SenderName, SenderAddr, MsgSubject, MsgContent, Attachment : String; PreviewMsg : Boolean = TRUE ) : Integer; var msg : TMapiMessage; // Pointer to the message itself mrdSender, // Who's sending it? mrdTarget : TMapiRecipDesc; // Who's going to get it? mfdAttach : TMapiFileDesc; // The attached file. liFlags : Longint; // Flags for MAPI. strError : String; // Holds MAPI error results; begin result := 0; liFlags := 0; fillChar( msg, sizeOf( msg ), 0 ); with msg do begin if TargetAddr = '' then raise tMailFileException.createFmt( ERROR, [ 'Target email address not specified' ] ) else begin if TargetName = '' then mrdTarget.lpszName := pChar( TargetAddr ) else mrdTarget.lpszName := pChar( TargetName ); mrdTarget.ulRecipClass := MAPI_TO; mrdTarget.lpszAddress := pChar( TargetAddr ); mrdTarget.ulReserved := 0; mrdTarget.ulEIDSize := 0; mrdTarget.lpEntryID := NIL; nRecipCount := 1; lpRecips := @mrdTarget; end; if SenderAddr = '' then raise tMailFileException.createFmt( ERROR, [ 'Sender email address not specified' ] ) else begin if SenderName = '' then mrdSender.lpszName := pChar( SenderAddr ) else mrdSender.lpszName := pChar( SenderName ); mrdSender.ulRecipClass := MAPI_ORIG; mrdSender.lpszAddress := pChar( 'SMTP:' + SenderAddr ); mrdSender.ulReserved := 0; mrdSender.ulEIDSize := 0; mrdSender.lpEntryID := NIL; lpOriginator := @mrdSender; end; if MsgSubject = '' then lpszSubject := '' else lpszSubject := pChar( MsgSubject ); if ( MsgContent = '' ) AND ( Attachment = '' ) then raise tMailFileException.createFmt( ERROR, [ 'Tried to send an empty message (no content or attachment)' ] ) else begin if MsgContent = '' then lpszNoteText := 'Please see the attached file.' else lpszNoteText := pChar( MsgContent ); if Attachment = '' then begin nFileCount := 0; lpFiles := NIL; end else begin fillChar( mfdAttach, sizeOf( mfdAttach ), 0 ); mfdAttach.nPosition := cardinal( $FFFFFFFF ); mfdAttach.lpszPathName := pChar( Attachment ); nFileCount := 1; lpFiles := @mfdAttach; end; end; // with if previewMsg then liFlags := MAPI_DIALOG; result := mapiSendMail( 0, application.Handle, msg, liFlags, 0 ); if result 0 then raise tMailFileException.createFmt( ERROR, [ 'MAPI triggered an error (' + getMAPIError( result ) + ')' ] ); end; end; function getMAPIError( intErrorCode : Integer ) : String; begin result := 'Unknown Error Code: ' + intToStr( intErrorCode ); case intErrorCode of MAPI_E_USER_ABORT : result := 'User cancelled request'; MAPI_E_FAILURE : result := 'General MAPI failure'; MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILURE : result := 'Logon failure'; MAPI_E_DISK_FULL : result := 'Disk full'; MAPI_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY : result := 'Insufficient memory'; MAPI_E_ACCESS_DENIED : result := 'Access denied'; MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS : result := 'Too many sessions'; MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_FILES : result := 'Too many files open'; MAPI_E_TOO_MANY_RECIPIENTS : result := 'Too many recipients'; MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_NOT_FOUND : result := 'Attachment not found'; MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_OPEN_FAILURE : result := 'Failed to open attachment'; MAPI_E_ATTACHMENT_WRITE_FAILURE : result := 'Failed to write attachment'; MAPI_E_UNKNOWN_RECIPIENT : result := 'Unknown recipient'; MAPI_E_BAD_RECIPTYPE : result := 'Invalid recipient type'; MAPI_E_NO_MESSAGES : result := 'No messages'; MAPI_E_INVALID_MESSAGE : result := 'Invalid message'; MAPI_E_TEXT_TOO_LARGE : result := 'Text too large.'; MAPI_E_INVALID_SESSION : result := 'Invalid session'; MAPI_E_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED : result := 'Type not supported'; MAPI_E_AMBIGUOUS_RECIPIENT : result := 'Ambiguous recipient'; MAPI_E_MESSAGE_IN_USE : result := 'Message in use'; MAPI_E_NETWORK_FAILURE : result := 'Network failure'; MAPI_E_INVALID_EDITFIELDS : result := 'Invalid edit fields'; MAPI_E_INVALID_RECIPS : result := 'Invalid recipients'; MAPI_E_NOT_SUPPORTED : result := 'Not supported'; end; end; end.