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Send an email with attachments by shellexecute to outlook express

{ Shellexecute(Handle,'open',' text&CC=aaaa&bcc=dddd&attach=FileName',nil,nil,SW_SHOW) only works with outlook, not for outlook express, but the method below can send attachment to outlook express } uses ComObj; procedure SendMail(Subject, Body, RecvAddress : string; Attachs : array of string); var MM, MS : Variant; i : integer; begin MS := CreateOleObject('MSMAPI.MAPISession'); try MM := CreateOleObject('MSMAPI.MAPIMessages'); try MS.DownLoadMail := False; MS.NewSession := False; MS.LogonUI := True; MS.SignOn; MM.SessionID := MS.SessionID; MM.Compose; MM.RecipIndex := 0; MM.RecipAddress := RecvAddress; MM.MsgSubject := Subject; MM.MsgNoteText := Body; for i := Low(Attachs) to High(Attachs) do begin MM.AttachmentIndex := i; MM.AttachmentPathName := Attachs[i]; end; MM.Send(True); MS.SignOff; finally VarClear(MS); end; finally VarClear(MM); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender : TObject); begin SendMail('Subject', 'Body'#13#10'Second', '', ['C:\Winnt\explorer.exe', 'C:\winnt\win.ini']); end;