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Retrieving POST data in a TWebBrowser

Title: Retrieving POST data in a TWebBrowser Question: How do I get the POST data in a TWebBrowser event? Answer: In the BeforeNavigate2 event of TWebBrowser, you receive the PostData and Header data as OleVariant. If you simply assign the OleVariant type to a string, you may get part of the data or garbage. You can convert the OleVariant to String using this function: function VariantToString(AVar: OleVariant): string; var i: integer; V: olevariant; begin Result := ''; if VarType(AVar) = (varVariant or varByRef) then V := Variant(TVarData(AVar).VPointer^) else V := AVar; if VarType(V) = (varByte or varArray) then try for i:=VarArrayLowBound(V,1) to VarArrayHighBound(V,1) do Result := Result + Chr(Byte(V[i])); except; end else Result := V; end; A nice FAQ site on TWebBrowser is: