Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Retrieve the zone icon for the specified url in a twebbrowser

uses Urlmon; procedure GetZoneIcon(IconPath: string; var Icon: TIcon); var FName, ImageName: string; h: hInst; begin FName := Copy(IconPath, 1, Pos('#', IconPath) - 1); ImageName := Copy(IconPath, Pos('#', IconPath), Length(IconPath)); h := LoadLibrary(Pchar(FName)); try if h <> 0 then begin Icon.Handle := LoadImage(h, Pchar(ImageName), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, 0); end; finally FreeLibrary(h); end; end; function GetZoneAttributes(const URL: string): TZoneAttributes; var pw: Pwidechar; dwZone: Cardinal; ZoneAttr: TZoneAttributes; //Defined in Urlmon.pas var ZoneManager: IInternetZoneManager; SecManager: IInternetSecurityManager; begin ZeroMemory(@ZoneAttr, SizeOf(TZoneAttributes)); if CoInternetCreateSecuritymanager(nil, SecManager, 0) = S_OK then if CoInternetCreateZoneManager(nil, ZoneManager, 0) = S_OK then begin SecManager.MapUrlToZone(PWideChar(WideString(URL)), dwZone, 0); ZoneManager.GetZoneAttributes(dwZone, Result); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ZoneAttr: TZoneAttributes; ZoneIcon: TIcon; begin ZoneAttr := GetZoneAttributes(Webbrowser1.LocationURL); ZoneIcon := TIcon.Create; try GetZoneIcon(ZoneAttr.szIconPath, ZoneIcon); Caption := ZoneAttr.szDisplayName Application.Icon := ZoneIcon; finally ZoneIcon.Free; end; end;