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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

Preview HTTP Posted Data using Delphi and TWebBrowser

Title: Preview HTTP Posted Data using Delphi and TWebBrowser Code submitted by Jason Penny. OleVariantToMemoryStream When you need to programmatically upload multiple files to an HTML form using the HTTP Post method - you can use the TWebBrowser Delphi control. Before actually sending information you might need to preview the data to be posted. Use the OnBeforeNavigate2 event of the TWebBrowser control. procedure TPostForm.WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(ASender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData, Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool) ; function OleVariantToMemoryStream(OV: OleVariant): TMemoryStream; var Data: PByteArray; Size: integer; begin Result := TMemoryStream.Create; try Size := VarArrayHighBound (OV, 1) - VarArrayLowBound(OV, 1) + 1; Data := VarArrayLock(OV) ; try Result.Position := 0; Result.WriteBuffer(Data^, Size) ; finally VarArrayUnlock(OV) ; end; except Result.Free; Result := nil; end; end; var ms: TMemoryStream; ss: TStringStream; begin ss := TStringStream.Create('') ; try if Length(PostData) 0 then begin ms := OleVariantToMemoryStream(PostData) ; ms.Position := 0; ss.CopyFrom(ms, ms.size) ; ss.Position := 0; ShowMessage('HEADER:' + Headers + #13#10#13#10 + ss.DataString) ; end; finally ss.Free; end; end;