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Ping atmak

PING Windows supports an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) to determine whether or not a particular host is available. ICMP is a network layer protocol that delivers flow control, error messages, routing, and other data between Internet hosts. ICMP is primarily used by application developers for a network ping. A ping is the process of sending an echo message to an IP address and reading the reply to verify a connection between TCP/IP hosts. If you are writing new application you will be better to use the Winsock 2 raw sockets support, implemented in Indy, for example. Please note, however, that for Windows NT and Windows 2000 implementations, Raw Sockets are subject to security checks and are accessible only to members of the administrator's group. Icmp.dll provides functionality that allows developers to write Internet ping applications on Windows systems without Winsock 2 support. Note that the Winsock 1.1 WSAStartup function must be called prior to using the functions exposed by ICMP.DLL. If you do not do this, the first call to IcmpSendEcho will fail with error 10091 (WSASYSNOTREADY). Below you can find the Ping unit's source code. Here are two example's of usage. 1) Example 1 (code snippet): uses Ping; ... const ADP_IP = ''; (* *) begin If Ping.Ping(ADP_IP) then ShowMessage('About Delphi Programming reachable!'); end; 2) Here's another, console mode Delphi program, that uses the Ping unit .. download. And, the Ping unit's source: unit Ping; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type TSunB = packed record s_b1, s_b2, s_b3, s_b4: byte; end; TSunW = packed record s_w1, s_w2: word; end; PIPAddr = ^TIPAddr; TIPAddr = record case integer of 0: (S_un_b: TSunB); 1: (S_un_w: TSunW); 2: (S_addr: longword); end; IPAddr = TIPAddr; function IcmpCreateFile : THandle; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll'; function IcmpCloseHandle (icmpHandle : THandle) : boolean; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll' function IcmpSendEcho (IcmpHandle : THandle; DestinationAddress : IPAddr; RequestData : Pointer; RequestSize : Smallint; RequestOptions : pointer; ReplyBuffer : Pointer; ReplySize : DWORD; Timeout : DWORD) : DWORD; stdcall; external 'icmp.dll'; function Ping(InetAddress : string) : boolean; implementation uses WinSock; function Fetch(var AInput: string; const ADelim: string = ' '; const ADelete: Boolean = true) : string; var iPos: Integer; begin if ADelim = #0 then begin // AnsiPos does not work with #0 iPos := Pos(ADelim, AInput); end else begin iPos := Pos(ADelim, AInput); end; if iPos = 0 then begin Result := AInput; if ADelete then begin AInput := ''; end; end else begin result := Copy(AInput, 1, iPos - 1); if ADelete then begin Delete(AInput, 1, iPos + Length(ADelim) - 1); end; end; end; procedure TranslateStringToTInAddr(AIP: string; var AInAddr); var phe: PHostEnt; pac: PChar; GInitData: TWSAData; begin WSAStartup($101, GInitData); try phe := GetHostByName(PChar(AIP)); if Assigned(phe) then begin pac := phe^.h_addr_list^; if Assigned(pac) then begin with TIPAddr(AInAddr).S_un_b do begin s_b1 := Byte(pac[0]); s_b2 := Byte(pac[1]); s_b3 := Byte(pac[2]); s_b4 := Byte(pac[3]); end; end else begin raise Exception.Create('Error getting IP from HostName'); end; end else begin raise Exception.Create('Error getting HostName'); end; except FillChar(AInAddr, SizeOf(AInAddr), #0); end; WSACleanup; end; function Ping(InetAddress : string) : boolean; var Handle : THandle; InAddr : IPAddr; DW : DWORD; rep : array[1..128] of byte; begin result := false; Handle := IcmpCreateFile; if Handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then Exit; TranslateStringToTInAddr(InetAddress, InAddr); DW := IcmpSendEcho(Handle, InAddr, nil, 0, nil, @rep, 128, 0); Result := (DW <> 0); IcmpCloseHandle(Handle); end; end.