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Loop through frames of a TWebBrowser

Title: Loop through frames of a TWebBrowser Question: I needed a function to loop through a frameset and get all the framedocs as an IHTMLDocument2 object. It took me 2 days to figure out how to do it, searching through tons of information. I finally figured it out and thought about giving it to the public, so that it can be usefull to others facing the same problem. Answer: ------------------------------------------------------------------ !ATTENTION! Please take a look at the updated article which can be found here: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hi and thanx to all that helped me. I finally made a function that loops through all frames and gets all the documents for all frames. That cost me 2 days of my life ;-) For all of you that are curious here is my function. Maybe it can be useful for others that have the same problem. !Note!: there is a demo-project available for download at (4.712 bytes) -----------------------------8{*******************************************************} { } { Demo Unit for Looping through documents } { of a frameset of TWebBrowser_V1 } { } { Created: 20.03.2001, Juergen Sommer } { Author : Juergen Sommer } { Email : } { } {*******************************************************} unit frmForm1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,SHDocVw_TLB, mshtml_tlb, OleCtrls, ComCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Panel1: TPanel; Button1: TButton; Button2: TButton; Memo: TMemo; Browser: TWebBrowser_V1; edt_url: TEdit; StatusBar1: TStatusBar; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BrowserFrameNavigateComplete(Sender: TObject; const URL: WideString); private { Private-Deklarationen } public { Public-Deklarationen } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin if edt_url.text='' then exit; Browser.navigate(edt_url.text); end; procedure TForm1.BrowserFrameNavigateComplete(Sender: TObject; const URL: WideString); var Document : IHTMLDocument2; FrameDoc : IHTMLDocument2; Frames : IHTMLFramesCollection2; All : IHtmlElementCollection; HtmlElement : IHtmlElement; idisp : IDispatch; i,j : Integer; v : OleVariant; win2 : IHTMLWindow2; str_ready :string; begin Memo.Lines.Clear; Browser.Document.QueryInterface(iHTMLDocument2,Document); Frames := Document.get_frames; All := Document.All; for i:=0 to All.length-1 do begin HTMLElement := All.Item(i,0) as IHTMLElement; if (Assigned(HTMLElement)) then begin if (HTMLElement.TagName='FRAME') then begin v := HTMLElement.getAttribute('Name',0); Memo.lines.add('============================ FRAME FOUND =='); Memo.lines.add(' ==FRAME NAME: '+v); idisp := Frames.item(v); // now we get the window-object idisp.QueryInterface(IHTMLWindow2,win2); if (Assigned(win2)) then begin // here it comes, the IHTMLDocument2 FrameDoc := win2.document; if (Assigned(FrameDoc)) then begin // we have to wait for the document until it is loaded ... repeat application.processmessages; str_ready:=FrameDoc.readyState; StatusBar1.Panels[0].Text:=str_ready; until (str_ready = 'complete') or (str_ready ='interactive'); // it is safe to go on with work... for j:=0 to FrameDoc.all.length-1 do begin // showing the doc.elements for demo purposes HTMLElement := FrameDoc.All.Item(j,0) as IHTMLElement; Memo.lines.add('Element : ['+HTMLElement.TagName+']'); end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end. -----------------------------8