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Little component to make HTML Reports

Title: Little component to make HTML Reports Question: how to make a little report component Answer: ///////////////////////////// // // // LittleReport // // // // HTML Reports // // // // // // Unit written by // // // // Simone Di Cicco // // // // // // // ///////////////////////////// unit LittleReport; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, DB, Graphics; const FAuthor = 'Simone Di Cicco'; FVersion = '1.0'; type TLittleReport = class(TComponent) protected FDataSet: TDataSet; FWidth: integer; FTitle: string; FAfterHTML: TStringList; FPreHTML: TStringList; procedure GetDBFieldData(StringList: TStringList; FieldName: string); function GetDataRowsTXT: string; function GetDataRowsHTML: string; private ColumnsCont: array of TStringList; FieldNames: TStringList; HTMLTable: TStringList; TXTFile: TStringList; IncRowTXT: integer; IncRowHTML: integer; published property DataSet: TDataSet read FDataSet write FDataSet; property HTMLTableWidth: integer read FWidth write FWidth default 100; property HTMLPageTitle: string read FTitle write FTitle; property BeforeReportHTML: TStringList read FPreHTML write FPreHTML; property AfterReportHTML: TStringList read FAfterHTML write FAfterHTML; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; // destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateReportHTML(Location: TFileName); procedure CreateReportTXT(Location: TFileName); end; procedure Register; implementation { TLittleReport } procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Simone Di Cicco', [TLittleReport]); end; constructor TLittleReport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FPreHTML := TStringList.Create; FPreHTML.Clear; FAfterHTML := TStringList.Create; FAfterHTML.Clear; FieldNames := TStringList.Create; FieldNames.Clear; HTMLTable := TStringList.Create; HTMLTable.Clear; TXTFile := TStringList.Create; TXTFile.Clear; end; procedure TLittleReport.GetDBFieldData(StringList: TStringList; FieldName: string); begin StringList.Clear; with FDataSet do begin Open; DisableControls; try while not EOF do begin StringList.Add(FieldByName(FieldName).AsString); Next; end; finally EnableControls; Close; end; end; end; procedure TLittleReport.CreateReportHTML(Location: TFileName); var Counter, ColCount, RowCont: integer; BHTMLPRE, BContPRE, BHTMLAF, BContAF: integer; NameCont, FieldCont: integer; FieldTitle: string; begin NameCont := 0; FieldCont := 0; RowCont := 0; BHTMLPRE := 0; BContPRE := 0; BHTMLAF := 0; BContAF := 0; IncRowHTML := 0; FDataSet.Open; FieldNames.Clear; FDataSet.GetFieldNames(FieldNames); ColCount := FDataSet.Fields.Count; SetLength(ColumnsCont, ColCount); HTMLTable.Clear; Counter := 0; repeat ColumnsCont[Counter] := TStringList.Create; GetDBFieldData(ColumnsCont[Counter], FieldNames.Strings[Counter]); inc(Counter, 1); until Counter = ColCount; RowCont := ColumnsCont[0].Count; BHTMLPRE := FPreHTML.Count; if BHTMLPRE = 1 then begin repeat HTMLTable.Add(FPreHTML.Strings[BContPRE]); inc(BContPRE, 1); until BContPRE = BHTMLPRE; end; if FTitle = '' then HTMLTable.Add(''+Location+'') else HTMLTable.Add(''+FTitle+''); HTMLTable.Add(''); NameCont := FieldNames.Count; repeat FieldTitle := FieldTitle+''+FieldNames.Strings[FieldCont]+''; inc(FieldCont, 1); until NameCont = FieldCont; FieldTitle := ''+FieldTitle+''; HTMLTable.Add(FieldTitle); repeat HTMLTable.Add(GetDataRowsHTML); inc(IncRowHTML, 1); until IncRowHTML = RowCont; HTMLTable.Add(''); BHTMLAF := FAfterHTML.Count; if BHTMLAF = 1 then begin repeat HTMLTable.Add(FAfterHTML.Strings[BContAF]); inc(BContAF, 1); until BContAF = BHTMLAF; end; HTMLTable.SaveToFile(Location); end; procedure TLittleReport.CreateReportTXT(Location: TFileName); var CounterRep, ColCount, RowCont: integer; NameCont, FieldCont: integer; FieldTitle: string; begin NameCont := 0; FieldCont := 0; RowCont := 0; IncRowTXT := 0; FDataSet.Open; FieldNames.Clear; FDataSet.GetFieldNames(FieldNames); ColCount := FDataSet.Fields.Count; SetLength(ColumnsCont, ColCount); TXTFile.Clear; CounterRep := 0; repeat ColumnsCont[CounterRep] := TStringList.Create; GetDBFieldData(ColumnsCont[CounterRep], FieldNames.Strings[CounterRep]); inc(CounterRep, 1); until CounterRep = ColCount; RowCont := ColumnsCont[0].Count; NameCont := FieldNames.Count; repeat FieldTitle := FieldTitle+'| '+FieldNames.Strings[FieldCont]; inc(FieldCont, 1); until NameCont = FieldCont; FieldTitle := FieldTitle+'|'; TXTFile.Add(FieldTitle); TXTFile.Add('"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'); TXTFile.Add('"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'); repeat TXTFile.Add(GetDataRowsTXT); TXTFile.Add('"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'); inc(IncRowTXT, 1); until IncRowTXT = RowCont; TXTFile.SaveToFile(Location); end; function TLittleReport.GetDataRowsTXT: string; var CounterRow, ColArray: integer; ReportRow: string; begin CounterRow := 0; ColArray := Length(ColumnsCont); repeat ReportRow := ReportRow+'|'+ColumnsCont[CounterRow].Strings[IncRowTXT]+'|'; inc(CounterRow, 1); until CounterRow = ColArray; Result := ReportRow; end; function TLittleReport.GetDataRowsHTML: string; var CounterRow, ColArray: integer; ReportRow: string; begin CounterRow := 0; ColArray := Length(ColumnsCont); repeat ReportRow := ReportRow+''+ColumnsCont[CounterRow].Strings[IncRowHTML]+''; inc(CounterRow, 1); until CounterRow = ColArray; ReportRow := ''+ReportRow+''; Result := ReportRow; end; end.