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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

How to get the server (router) and client IP address of your dial up connection

Title: How to get the server (router) and client IP address of your dial up connection ? Question: There are quite a lot of articles on retrieving IP addresses for LAN interfaces. Here's one for dialup using RAS(Remote Access Services). Note that it requires header files which are available from Delphi JEDI site Answer: Please note that the program uses ras.pas and other header files which are available in the API library of delphi jedi site. The complete project having all the header files is being provided to the webmaster for update. It displays the server and client IP every second on a label. unit uMain; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls; type TfrmMain = class(TForm) lblIP: TLabel; tmrUpdate: TTimer; procedure tmrUpdateTimer(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var frmMain: TfrmMain; implementation uses Ras, RasError; {$R *.DFM} procedure GetDialUpIpAddress(var server, client: string); var RASPppIp: RASIP; lpcp: DWORD; ConnClientIP: array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of Char; ConnServerIP: array[0..RAS_MaxIpAddress] of Char; Entries: PRasConn; BufSize, NumberOfEntries, Res: DWORD; RasConnHandle: THRasConn; begin New(Entries); BufSize := Sizeof(Entries^); ZeroMemory(Entries, BufSize); Entries^.dwSize := Sizeof(Entries^); Res := RasEnumConnections(Entries, BufSize, NumberOfEntries); if Res = ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL then begin ReallocMem(Entries, BufSize); ZeroMemory(Entries, BufSize); Entries^.dwSize := Sizeof(Entries^); Res := RasEnumConnections(Entries, BufSize, NumberOfEntries); end; try if (Res = 0) and (NumberOfEntries 0) then RasConnHandle := Entries.hrasconn else exit finally FreeMem(Entries); end; FillChar(RASPppIp, SizeOf(tagRASIP), 0); RASPppIp.dwSize := SizeOf(tagRASIP); lpcp := RASPppIp.dwSize; if RasGetProjectionInfo(RasConnHandle, RASP_PppIp, @RasPppIp, lpcp) = 0 then begin Move(RASPppIp.szServerIpAddress, ConnServerIP, SizeOf(ConnServerIP)); Server := ConnServerIP; Move(RASPppIp.szIpAddress, ConnClientIP, SizeOf(ConnClientIP)); client := ConnClientIP; end; end; procedure TfrmMain.tmrUpdateTimer(Sender: TObject); var ConnServerIP, ConnClientIP: string; begin GetDialUpIpAddress(ConnServerIP, ConnClientIP); if ConnServerIP = '' then ConnServerIP := 'NA'; if ConnClientIP = '' then ConnClientIP := 'NA'; lblIP.Caption := Format('Server : %s'#13#10'Client : %s', [ConnServerIP, ConnClientIP]) end;