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How to get the list of active process on a PC of my network

Title: How to get the list of active process on a PC of my network unit PerfInfo; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; type TPerfCounter = record Counter: Integer; Value: TLargeInteger; end; TPerfCounters = Array of TPerfCounter; TPerfInstance = class private FName: string; FCounters: TPerfCounters; public property Name: string read FName; property Counters: TPerfCounters read FCounters; end; TPerfObject = class private FList: TList; FObjectID: DWORD; FMachine: string; function GetCount: Integer; function GetInstance(Index: Integer): TPerfInstance; procedure ReadInstances; public property ObjectID: DWORD read FObjectID; property Item[Index: Integer]: TPerfInstance read GetInstance; default; property Count: Integer read GetCount; constructor Create(const AMachine: string; AObjectID: DWORD); destructor Destroy; override; end; procedure GetProcesses(const Machine: string; List: TStrings); implementation type PPerfDataBlock = ^TPerfDataBlock; TPerfDataBlock = record Signature: array[0..3] of WCHAR; LittleEndian: DWORD; Version: DWORD; Revision: DWORD; TotalByteLength: DWORD; HeaderLength: DWORD; NumObjectTypes: DWORD; DefaultObject: Longint; SystemTime: TSystemTime; PerfTime: TLargeInteger; PerfFreq: TLargeInteger; PerfTime100nSec: TLargeInteger; SystemNameLength: DWORD; SystemNameOffset: DWORD; end; PPerfObjectType = ^TPerfObjectType; TPerfObjectType = record TotalByteLength: DWORD; DefinitionLength: DWORD; HeaderLength: DWORD; ObjectNameTitleIndex: DWORD; ObjectNameTitle: LPWSTR; ObjectHelpTitleIndex: DWORD; ObjectHelpTitle: LPWSTR; DetailLevel: DWORD; NumCounters: DWORD; DefaultCounter: Longint; NumInstances: Longint; CodePage: DWORD; PerfTime: TLargeInteger; PerfFreq: TLargeInteger; end; PPerfCounterDefinition = ^TPerfCounterDefinition; TPerfCounterDefinition = record ByteLength: DWORD; CounterNameTitleIndex: DWORD; CounterNameTitle: LPWSTR; CounterHelpTitleIndex: DWORD; CounterHelpTitle: LPWSTR; DefaultScale: Longint; DetailLevel: DWORD; CounterType: DWORD; CounterSize: DWORD; CounterOffset: DWORD; end; PPerfInstanceDefinition = ^TPerfInstanceDefinition; TPerfInstanceDefinition = record ByteLength: DWORD; ParentObjectTitleIndex: DWORD; ParentObjectInstance: DWORD; UniqueID: Longint; NameOffset: DWORD; NameLength: DWORD; end; PPerfCounterBlock = ^TPerfCounterBlock; TPerfCounterBlock = record ByteLength: DWORD; end; {Navigation helpers} function FirstObject(PerfData: PPerfDataBlock): PPerfObjectType; begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWORD(PerfData) + PerfData.HeaderLength); end; function NextObject(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfObjectType; begin Result := PPerfObjectType(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.TotalByteLength); end; function FirstInstance(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfInstanceDefinition; begin Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.DefinitionLength); end; function NextInstance(PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition): PPerfInstanceDefinition; var PerfCntrBlk: PPerfCounterBlock; begin PerfCntrBlk := PPerfCounterBlock(DWORD(PerfInst) + PerfInst.ByteLength); Result := PPerfInstanceDefinition(DWORD(PerfCntrBlk) + PerfCntrBlk.ByteLength); end; function FirstCounter(PerfObj: PPerfObjectType): PPerfCounterDefinition; begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWORD(PerfObj) + PerfObj.HeaderLength); end; function NextCounter(PerfCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition): PPerfCounterDefinition; begin Result := PPerfCounterDefinition(DWORD(PerfCntr) + PerfCntr.ByteLength); end; {Registry helpers} function GetPerformanceKey(const Machine: string): HKey; var s: string; begin Result := 0; if Length(Machine) = 0 then Result := HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA else begin s := Machine; if Pos('\', s) 1 then s := '\' + s; if RegConnectRegistry(PChar(s), HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA, Result) ERROR_SUCCESS then Result := 0; end; end; {TPerfObject} constructor TPerfObject.Create(const AMachine: string; AObjectID: DWORD); begin inherited Create; FList := TList.Create; FMachine := AMachine; FObjectID := AObjectID; ReadInstances; end; destructor TPerfObject.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do TPerfInstance(FList[i]).Free; FList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TPerfObject.GetCount: Integer; begin Result := FList.Count; end; function TPerfObject.GetInstance(Index: Integer): TPerfInstance; begin Result := FList[Index]; end; procedure TPerfObject.ReadInstances; var PerfData: PPerfDataBlock; PerfObj: PPerfObjectType; PerfInst: PPerfInstanceDefinition; PerfCntr, CurCntr: PPerfCounterDefinition; PtrToCntr: PPerfCounterBlock; BufferSize: Integer; i, j, k: Integer; pData: PLargeInteger; Key: HKey; CurInstance: TPerfInstance; begin for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do TPerfInstance(FList[i]).Free; FList.Clear; Key := GetPerformanceKey(FMachine); if Key = 0 then Exit; PerfData := nil; try {Allocate initial buffer for object information} BufferSize := 65536; GetMem(PerfData, BufferSize); {retrieve data} while RegQueryValueEx(Key, PChar(IntToStr(FObjectID)), {Object name} nil, nil, Pointer(PerfData), @BufferSize) = ERROR_MORE_DATA do begin {buffer is too small} Inc(BufferSize, 1024); ReallocMem(PerfData, BufferSize); end; RegCloseKey(HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA); {Get the first object type} PerfObj := FirstObject(PerfData); {Process all objects} for i := 0 to PerfData.NumObjectTypes - 1 do begin {Check for requested object} if PerfObj.ObjectNameTitleIndex = FObjectID then begin {Get the first counter} PerfCntr := FirstCounter(PerfObj); if PerfObj.NumInstances 0 then begin {Get the first instance} PerfInst := FirstInstance(PerfObj); {Retrieve all instances} for k := 0 to PerfObj.NumInstances - 1 do begin {Create entry for instance} CurInstance := TPerfInstance.Create; CurInstance.FName := WideCharToString(PWideChar(DWORD(PerfInst) + PerfInst.NameOffset)); FList.Add(CurInstance); CurCntr := PerfCntr; {Retrieve all counters} SetLength(CurInstance.FCounters, PerfObj.NumCounters); for j := 0 to PerfObj.NumCounters - 1 do begin PtrToCntr := PPerfCounterBlock(DWORD(PerfInst) + PerfInst.ByteLength); pData := Pointer(DWORD(PtrToCntr) + CurCntr.CounterOffset); {Add counter to array} CurInstance.FCounters[j].Counter := CurCntr.CounterNameTitleIndex; CurInstance.FCounters[j].Value := pData^; {Get the next counter} CurCntr := NextCounter(CurCntr); end; {Get the next instance.} PerfInst := NextInstance(PerfInst); end; end; end; {Get the next object type} PerfObj := NextObject(PerfObj); end; finally {Release buffer} FreeMem(PerfData); {Close remote registry handle} if Key HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA then RegCloseKey(Key); end; end; procedure GetProcesses(const Machine: string; List: TStrings); var Processes: TPerfObject; i, j: Integer; ProcessID: DWORD; begin Processes := nil; List.Clear; try Processes := TPerfObject.Create(Machine, 230); {230 = Process} for i := 0 to Processes.Count - 1 do {Find process ID} for j := 0 to Length(Processes[i].Counters) - 1 do if (Processes[i].Counters[j].Counter = 784) then begin ProcessID := Processes[i].Counters[j].Value; if ProcessID 0 then List.AddObject(Processes[i].Name, Pointer(ProcessID)); Break; end; finally Processes.Free; end; end; end.