Mega Code Archive

Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

How to get access to RadioButtons in a TWebbrowser

Title: How to get access to RadioButtons in a TWebbrowser procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Document: IHTMLDocument2; rbTestList: IHTMLElementCollection; rbTest: IHTMLOptionButtonElement; I: Integer; begin // Get a reference to the document Document := WebBrowser1.Document as IHTMLDocument2; // Get a reference to input-control (Radiobutton) rbTestList := Document.all.item('rating', EmptyParam) as IHTMLElementCollection; // Get current values. for I := 0 to rbTestList.Length - 1 do begin // reference to the i. RadioButton rbTest := rbTestList.item(I, EmptyParam) as IHTMLOptionButtonElement; // Show a message if radiobutton is checked if rbTest.Checked then ShowMessageFmt('Der RadioButton mit dem Wert %s' + ' ist ausgew?hlt!', [rbTest.Value]); end; // Set new values for I := 0 to rbTestList.Length - 1 do begin // reference to the i. RadioButton rbTest := rbTestList.item(I, EmptyParam) as IHTMLOptionButtonElement; // check radiobutton with value 3. if rbTest.Value = '3' then rbTest.Checked := True; end; end;