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How to Execute a JavaScript Code on a TWebBrowser Document

Title: How to Execute a JavaScript Code on a TWebBrowser Document The TWebBrowser Delphi control provides access to the Web browser functionality from your Delphi applications. Here's how to execute a custom script (JavaScript or VBScript) function on a HTML document loaded in the TWebBrowser control: uses MSHTML_TLB, SHDocVw; procedure ExecuteScript(doc: IHTMLDocument2; script: string; language: string) ; begin if doc nil then begin if doc.parentWindow nil then doc.parentWindow.ExecScript(script, Olevariant(language)) ; end; end; Usage (in some Button OnClick event handler, for example): var script : string; begin //locate the first element with ID attribute = "main" and show its tag script := 'var elemMain = document.getElementById("main") ; if (elemMain != null) { alert(elemMain.tagName) ; }'; ExecuteScript(EmbeddedWB1.Document as IHTMLDocument2, script, 'javascript') end; Note: More TWebBrowser Tips'n'Tricks!