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Categories / Delphi / LAN Web TCP

How to Determine proxy server settings in IE

Title: How to Determine proxy server settings in IE uses WinInet; function GetProxyInformation: string; var ProxyInfo: PInternetProxyInfo; Len: LongWord; begin Result := ''; Len := 4096; GetMem(ProxyInfo, Len); try if InternetQueryOption(nil, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, ProxyInfo, Len) then if ProxyInfo^.dwAccessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY then begin Result := ProxyInfo^.lpszProxy end; finally FreeMem(ProxyInfo); end; end; {************************************************************************** * NAME: GetProxyServer * DESC: Proxy-Server Einstellungen abfragen * PARAMS: protocol = z.B. 'http' oder 'ftp' * RESULT: [-] * CREATED: 08-04-2004/shmia *************************************************************************} procedure GetProxyServer(protocol: string; var ProxyServer: string; var ProxyPort: Integer); var i: Integer; proxyinfo, ps: string; begin ProxyServer := ''; ProxyPort := 0; proxyinfo := GetProxyInformation; if proxyinfo = '' then Exit; protocol := protocol + '='; i := Pos(protocol, proxyinfo); if i 0 then begin Delete(proxyinfo, 1, i + Length(protocol)); i := Pos(';', ProxyServer); if i 0 then proxyinfo := Copy(proxyinfo, 1, i - 1); end; i := Pos(':', proxyinfo); if i 0 then begin ProxyPort := StrToIntDef(Copy(proxyinfo, i + 1, Length(proxyinfo) - i), 0); ProxyServer := Copy(proxyinfo, 1, i - 1) end end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var ProxyServer: string; ProxyPort: Integer; begin GetProxyServer('http', ProxyServer, ProxyPort); Label1.Caption := ProxyServer; label2.Caption := IntToStr(ProxyPort); end;